Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Loose Change"

Write a 5 paragraph essay on the film " Loose Change." You must discuss three scientific aspects of the film and how they relate to Physics. Please research other sources to support your opinions. You must cite your sources at the end of your essay.


Rahmid said...
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mvonna said...

The movie loose change was basically telling how the world was under attack.It also told that the people from Iraq had a lot to do with it. They flew two plans in to the world trade center.

Also in the movie they was talking about how their were bombs in the word trade center and that it as a set up. They were put in there when the world trade center was build. The government knew that this event was going to occur so they would make money.

MiiZZ TY3SHA said...

In the movie loose change I discovered that there were alot of things that had to do with physics.Forexample it talked about distance,speed,mass,gravity and velocity.It explainrd how some planes did not hit the building but were suppose to.It also explained how there were phone calls said to be made but they found out that they could not be made because of tyhe distance and gravity in the air.Loose change also explained how the gravity and the velocity kept some of the planes from actually falling before it got a chance to hit the buildings.In addition the buildings that fell had mass and distance which expressed some type of physics.When it explained how some planes crashed before it hit the building and the way the buildings fell expressed velocity,speed,distance,and force.to conclude speed,distance,mass,force and velocity are the main things we are studying in our physics class.

Rahmid said...

The movie was a brief description of the things the government did to make it seem as though it was Iraq who blew up the pentagon and world trade center. They use alot physics in the movie to describe how the twin towers fell. The movie explained how phone calls that were supposedly taken place were fakes and that there was technology to digitally re record over someones voice to make it sound like the real person. The call was so easily known to be fake because the guy called his mom and used his real name since when do people call their family and greet the person using there full name.

Inae said...

I have just got finsh waching loose change . As I was waching loose I saw how there was lot of physic that was put into to vedio. For exmple there was a 9.8m/s and we aslo ues this in our physics. I also Discovered how there was altuted into chaheing into the buling. There was aslo foce aand mass in this movie as well.
Thees were my three thinks that I found that we ues in physisc class.

Anonymous said...

The Movie "Loose Change" was basically a documentary about the September 11th incident. When supposely terrorist from overseas flew two planes through the World Trade Centers in New York in 2001. The way that the movie related to physics because they used free fall, speed and force.

The way that the movie used free fall is when they stated that the twin towers fell at free fall acceleration. That mean that both of the towers fell at 9.8m/s^2.

In addition the movie used speed the way that they used speed is that for in order for the planes to crash into the towers they had to develop some speed so that it could effect the structure.

On top of that the movie also used force because of that this caused the building to begin falling in addition to the speed used to hit the tower.

In conclusion the movie was relevant to our physic class because most of the topics touched on we are learning in class today.

John A Cuthbert said...

The movie Loose Change was aninformation movie about 9-11. Throughout the movie it discuss how the 9-11 attack want down and how scientific role was suppose to play a big part of it in the attack.

It dicuss free fall, time altitude, speed, and distance. If the attacks where to go as plan then these things would have been place in the order of free fall, time, distance, and speed.

In some article it was said that flight 93 was a small attempted that crashed in Pennsylviana. As a result they said that that pal was shot down by smaller jets to stop the attack.

If you look at picture in that attack you can see part of that plane. As show in the movie things where missing in the movie and stuff want off to fast.

When you use science to put things together use solve the biggest puzzle. In the case the video showed something that the government could not respone to and it looked like and inside job by the government or the owner of the towers.

B.Roba said...

" Loose Change" is based upon the events that occured on 9/11. How major buildings were under attack. Such as the twin towers, pentagon, etc... As airplanes were high jacked by terrost and flown into those buildings. Major lives were lost that day.

As our so called government had people that made excusse after excusee lying about what realy happend. It seems as now in day's our own people can't be trustes. Why should information be hold back from the people. We do want to know whats going on in our world.

It's intresting to watch the film bea=cause it is very informative. I never knew that there were explosives in the twin towers to help bring it down. After the plans had already collided into the buildings. As well the government had been keeping gold underneth the building as a secret. I would like to know what was the gold for.

The most intresting information given was how the free fail related to physics. How the building fell at a certain rate in the given amount of time. As being known free fall is 9.8 m/s^2 and collecting data to figure it all out. Also how the direction of an airplane coming hiting a building and knowing the outcome.

Physics is in everyday life. I would say it's a part of nature. I mean even it is in the worst aspects of life it is still amazing how physics is helpfull.

James "Map" Fisher said...

A weeks ago my class watched a movie on 9/11 called Loose Change. At first the class did not understand how this any connections with Physics. The as we Begin to get deeper in to the film the connection came one after another. Like for instance the plane crash in to the building.
The first problem was how could a aircrafttraveling at such high speeds make a u turn. The next problem was who could the airplane decenagrate afrter the impact on the build. Also, the plane did not have enough force to cause the buildin to collapse. The next event that brought physics in to play was what happened to both the building after the plane impacts.
The first build took a direct hit near the center in the area of the building in which it hit. The building seemed to be intacted. The second build was bearly touched. It appeared that the plane nipped a coner office. Thus causing the laws in physics to come out in more effect.
Physics next law to appear was Free fall. This was one law that my whole class understood the most.

BIG TIFF 11-1 said...

In physics class our assignment was to watch an interesting movie called LOOSE CHANGE. The movie briefly explain how tyhe government are hiden alot of thing. Basically the government have secrets. Pertaining to the incident that happen 9/11.

Viewing the movie it was said that how the twin towers callasped was odd. Before the towers collasped there was a bomb that exploded before it fell into ashes. That was weirfd to most people.

Also, some people was concerned on how fast both the buildings fell. It was impossible. There was an altitude that was different on how the the buildings was suppossed to fall. THe accelaration was actually the at a constant rate 9.8m/s^2.

Dealing with science everything did not add up to how it was suppose to be. It was off science.

i think this movie will bring the people together to get the governmentto confess on their little secret.

SOURCE: http://www.loosechange911.com/blog/