As you know, and as we are beginning to review in history, there are MANY forms of government that exist in the word. The professed 'democracy" of the U.S.S is only one of many very popular and longstanding forms that people around the globe are governed under. As part of our Utopian Debate, we will examine some of the various forms of government by example of the definitions give below. After choosing what form of government you feel would be best for your society, please make a written statement of WHAT (type of Gov't) and WHY. You will be required to respond to at least 4 comments of your classmates as well. Be informed! Have fun!
NOTE: there are MANY governments listed below. if you need clarification (or different definitions) on ANY that may catch your interest, feel free to do more research. We decided that it would be best to give you all of these (and the definitions still dont cover everything) instead of simply summarizing the popular forms of today. After all, if the world was perfect, there would be no need for the creation of another one.
Anarchy (chaos)
No organized government at all. Some SI:<1 style="font-weight: bold;">Dictatorship, or more often through conquest by a neighbouring state, government, or military power.
Anarchy (self-rule) Rule by individual responsibility, creativity, and input. A sort of meta-socialism/meta-democracy. This type of government requires advanced emotional and spiritual development, usually a society of superiors. Such government types can be very long-lived.
Aristocracy Rule by a hereditary elite. A sort of minor monarchy. Many of the great Houses during the later Federation to Empires age were Aristocracies, and such government remains in isolated fiefdoms scattered throughout the galaxy even today. Almost always there will be a House AI behind the scenes, as a sort of tutelary, oracular or even manipulative power (depending on the personality of the AI). Provided they are not subverted by higher toposophic AIs, aristocracies area very stable and long-lived government type, if tending towards oppressive caste structures.
Charismacracy Rule by animal magnetism, sometimes reinforced with erotic presence and/or empath abilities. Note that this is very different to Meritocracy, which is more intellectual. Many of the old Genetekker biospheres, and many Erotogini and Communion worlds, are of this sort. Often only lasts as long as the single charismatic ruler or clade-clone succession.
Company-Owned World A planet, moon or asteroid controlled by a company or corporation and run for profit. This system was quite common during the early to middle first Federation period, and can still be found throughout many sparsely settled libertarian capitalist (either NoCoZo or independent) dominated regions in the outer volumes where there is little government or policing regulation. This type of government is very rarely long-lived. Almost always, with increasing colonization, the world or planetoid will declare independence and seize the company's assets. Alternatively, the world or planetoid and its resources will be claimed by a passing ISO or transapient power. See also Syndicracy.
Confederacy A number of smaller areas banded together under one loose government. During the Interplanetary Age there were a number of orbital alliances and belter polities of this sort. Today a number of polities in the hinteregions and outer volumes, are good examples of confederations.
Democracy / Republic A government run by elected representatives. Many of the Industrial Age, Information Age, early Interplanetary Age, and First Federation era governments were of this sort. The rule by hyperturings make true democracies no longer competitive in the modern galaxy. Nevertheless there are a great many successful and long-lived democratic systems under hyperturing guidance. Democracies are more common in some nearbaseline polities away from the big capitals and power centers. In the middle regions, the Puppis Democracy and New Daffy Panoparchy are examples of empires that favor this option.
Dictatorship Absolute rule by one leader. This is a common, sometimes brutal, more rarely benevolent, and always short lived phenomenon among middle tech and luddite lower level high tech polities and societies where higher level transapient influence is weak. Femtotheocracy Government by religious leadership or priesthood, usually in the service of a high level transapient or minor archailect. The actual form the government takes can be astonishingly diverse. One of the most common government types in the galaxy today.
Rule by merit or natural abilities - not in the same sense as charismacracy. e.g. most of the great scientific Institutes are Meritocracies.
Rule by a king or a queen, usually of one family or dynasty or aristocratic clan or House that manages to acquire an empire. Monarchy and Feudalism was a common and very stable system of government in medieval and iron age Old Earth, and later attained a brief revival through the aristocracies of some of the larger post-megacorp hereditary Houses. There are however an abundance of petty egomaniacs and eccentrics who have set up their own hereditary principalities, kingdoms etc, on minor biospheres throughout the galaxy. Most of these are harmless, even benign; a few are oppressive. Few of these regimes last more than a century or two, although very isolated monarchies have been known to be quite enduring. More successful is when a ruling AI empowers a biont sovereign, who thus becomes, in the archaic phrase, the representative of God on Earth.
Nanarchies are societies controlled by nanotechnological systems not of the same kind as the normal inhabitants. Usually the result of deliberate planning to ensure security or an accident. The nanosystems enforce certain policies, preventing attempts to overthrow them or change their programming outside the allowed channels. Reasonably common.
Rulership by the Collective or Totality. Can be benevolent as in Metasoft, where individuals retain autonomy of will, or more devouring, as in some hegemonizing swarms, where existence is only for the sake of the Collective
A government run by those with the most wealth - a popular government in the early Interplanetary Age Earth, the later First Federation period, and remains popular in some of the more backward worlds of the Non Coercive Zone. But unless the ruling class has the backing of the local hyperturings they are easily undermined
Socialist State
A popular but often impractical system in which the state owns and controls most activities for the equal good of all people. Many Utopia Sphere worlds are of this sort. Without the leadership of benign AI, this sort of regime frequently deteriorates into totalitarianism is overthrown by a different system
Form of government very popular in medium-tech clades and polities that are of a decidedly libertine bent. In a stochocracy, the number of government positions is kept to an absolute bare minimum needed to ensure that all the necessary functions of government are fulfilled without anyone being overworked
Rule by a nation's military leaders, or the military leaders of a clan or clade. In the aftermath of the Version Wars a number of military commanders, isolated from the main government in relativistic fleets, set up this kind of government in many of the worlds of the outer volumes. Generally these regimes are short-lived.
Rule by an organization of the most powerful corporations on the planet. This was very common during the First Federation era. Syndicracies are fragile, depending on the alliances between the megacorps in question. Few last longer than a century. See also Company World.
Government by religious leadership or priesthood. A common phenomenon among medieval/iron age states, less common in the industrial age, almost non-existent in the Information Age (the internet savvy Islamic cultures on mid/late 21st century Earth being a rare exception) Theocracy began to flourish again among the mushrooming of utopian and eccentric factions in the Interplanetary Age. The Interstellar era saw some local theocratic biosphere-states. The Stella Umma was the only Theocratic Empire to really make it big during post-Federation time. Theocracies are very common today, but almost all the successful ones are Femtocracies. Non-AI theocracies are common and quite long-lived but, like monarchies, only survive as isolated polities
I think that the government that would best fit my society is Anarchy... I feel this way because no one will rule any one and people will have a chance to express their own responsibilty,creativity, and every citizen with have a oppurtunity to give their input...This will also be best because everyone needs advanced emotional and spiritual devolpoment...
The Government I pick is Democracy / Republic. I picked that because it is the fairest way to determine a leader . You let the people that live in the Utopian society decide who they want to be there leader. Its like having two cookies. I'd wanna pick what cookie i wanted to have.
I disagree with with Tyesha because if its not organized then how will anything be calm and civilized.
The Government I'd pick is Socialist State becuase it like they'll be free to do what they will like but under rules through. Also we like in this system today but is will be less rule to follow.
I disagree with Greg because he separate different class system in utopia society. I aslo disagree with Tyesha becuase if it was like that then it would be war in their streets all the time.
The Prefect government that would work for the socity is Aristocracy they state what they want and get it done. They would keep the country in order and stop most of the fight that countries would have agants use. An government like that would bring our country to good use and they would stay in office much more longer.
I agree with greg b because Democracy / Republic is fair and they are strong leaders. They Also can help to better an utopian socity.
I desagree with tyesha because if every one get to pick whatever they wnat then utopia would not be perfect world. People would be doing anything and think its right.
I could not cchoose from any of the goverments given. This is because I would have one repersenative form every house come to circle table so they could discuss things. They would then have to go home and come to a consenses with the family and return to the table and make decsions.
The table is round because they all are equal.
The government Anarchy would be the best government because it is ran by individual responsibility, creativity, and input.
The government that I would choose is Democratic/Republican. I would choose this because I would want it to almost be the same way as the real world now, but a little different.
I disagree with Tyesha because if you don't have some type of rules, then everything will go crazy and out of order.
I think that James has the good idea towards what he is talking about, I agree with him 100%.
I agree with queen of the tech and the government she decided to use. I would also want a government that wants and trys hard to get the work done.
I disagree with Greg because i dont think that democracy/ Republic would not be the best government.
I believe that the best government that fits my utopian society will have to be Anarchy the reason why I say sate this is because of spiritual reason. I truly believe that if our worlds will one on one god then there will be last problems in our society today.
Since my idea of a utopia is a limited amount of people in an enclosed island or area, I feel that the best type of government for my Utopia is a self-ruled anarchy. My reason being that the only person you should be responsible for is yourself, if you don't have any children. i believe that if havoc snd disobediance breaks loose, the people will simply be exiled from the Utopia.
Greg- I disagree, I feel that by having one leader to rule a body of people isn't fair to everyone in that body of people. a democracy is what America is, and look we're falling apart.
John- i disagree also. with a self-ruled government it doesn't necessarily mean that there will be war in the streets. The inhabitants of the utopis would just have to be people of high intellict and have peaceful manorisms.
James- i like your idea of government. I believe that, that type of government is best for a small community because trying to do that in a big city like Philadelphia is immpossible.
Rahmid & Tyesha- i agree with ya'll because you're right a self- ruled government is said to last long and also grants people their individual creativity, way of life, and freedom.
I agree with Tyesha because Anarchy is the best government to use
i think James has a good point on his explanation. I think the government should be unique and something never heard of.
I disagree with Rahmid because a self-ran government would cause to much confusion to me
i agree with faneesha because thats what i picked
I agree with brianna because she agreed with me and tyesha and we stated the same
I think Anarchy is the best way to govern my society. The reason why i say this is because the people get to do whatever they want and in an utopian society it is all about what you want. My society is going to be for the people by the people.
I disagree with Greg, John, and Yanique I think if there is a country or someone taking over the society it will not be perfect because it's not alwats going to be what the people want.
Greg: I Disagree with Greg because he seperates the systems.
Rahmid: I agree with Rahmid beacause it should be indivuallly ran because utopia is aperfect society so their is o laws or rules.
Brianna: I agree with Brianna because everyone should be responsible for themelves.
Marquisa: I agree with marquisa becaus utopia should be about the people and for the people
i think the government that would best fit my society is Democracy/republic because it is the fairest way to go about things since everyone can't be in charge.
I believe that the government with a democracy and republic would be best so we don't have to run it or selves. It would better if we had a gov. that we represented by certain people.
I disagree with rahmid bec ause doing somthing on your own will be bast of whatever you want, but uniteing with someone else thought would make it more of the peoples intress. So living every thing up to one indeviual person would make it worst because one person can't take care of something that is involed with a hole country.
I don't agree with Tyesha's because if everyone was equal. there would be no organization.
I don't believe that john's statement is untrue. because if there is rules then how do people get to do what ever they want.
Rahmid I disagree with you on the fact that there could be to much disruption.
I understand Faneesha,but i still feel as though there is a major issue with that form of goverment.
First thing queen of the tec that style of goverment is corrupt. On the bases that is if the family chooses they can fend for there selves.
John you say free but do you want a goverment of chaos, because that is what will be come of your simple utopia. It be nothing but a mere grain on the sand of time.
For most part i agree with Brinna because she say that every on should look out for them self and take up ther own reponsibility on ther own, but then again people need help some times.
The government that i would pick to use for my society is Democracy / Republic. The reason that i woiuld pick that government to run my society is because its ran by an elected representative.
I disagree with Tyesha basically because of the same reasons as Greg if its not organized then how will anything be calm and civilized.
I agree with Greg because we both picked the same govewrnment.
I agree with Yaniqua because the government she picked has a well thought out purpose.
I agree with James because that is a good way to come to a conclusion with meeting in a round table when everyone has equal power.
Reading the blog about different governments was very interesting. Many types of governments are diffucult to live in and to have for societies. I think there are many of these governments because where you live at our may be because of the religion many are. The United States have numerous of different kinds of religion so thats why there are democrates/replubican governments. Honestly I don't know what government I would want to live in because there are different rules that is needed to have a government. But Democrat/replucian but in order to have this governmnet the people need tyo know how the people feel they just worried abouit how they want things good for themselves but is not concern on the nations. Its a hard decision to choose.. But Democrats is the one I will pick over any thing.
Anarchy (self-rule) Rule by individual responsibility, creativity, and input. A sort of meta-socialism/meta-democracy. This type of government requires advanced emotional and spiritual development, usually a society of superiors. Such government types can be very long-lived.
I believe that would be the government best of my choice for my society. That's because there would be a ruler of each house hold
Tyesha-I agree with you I should of pick Anarchy but i feel more comfortable with democrat
Greg- i agree with mr.bush
John- i like johns
yanique- i disagree with yanique
I have to agree with james thats because he stated strong facts on why it would fit his society.
I have to agree with greg as well because he said that it is the fairest way to pick a leader.
Tyesha stated strong facts especially when she said no one will rule any one and people will have a chance to express their own responsibilty,creativity, and every citizen with have a oppurtunity to give their input... I have to agree with her also.
I have disagree with John though because if you are free, you shouldn't be under no rules
If given the chance I would choose to have a Femtotheocracy government. Femtotheocracy mean to ran by a religious leader. I am a christian so i think it would be best to be ran by someone who is in the same religiou background as I. However, the leader must be non denomination and must belive in God and that Jesus is God's son. This will make the world a utopian society.
Comments: -Tyesha an anarchy government means that you can do what you want to do and there re no rules. Therefore it would be ok to steal and ok to murder.
-Greg b, you do hjave a point that that would be the fairest way to choose a leader by voting.
-I disagree with Rahmid because responsibility could mean something different to someone else.
I feel that a demoracy / republic government would best fit the utopia society because i feel thats only fair.
I agree with greg because he feels everything should be equal too.
I agree with vonna because she thinks it would be equal also.
I disagree with tyesha because i feel like there should be some type of rules somebody should rule somebody so it can be order.
I disagree with rahimd because i dont think it should be ran indivi
dual i dont think it would work.
I agree with tyesha I think the government that will best fit the society is Anarchy. Everyone should be able to express there own creativity. In every one should have their own responsibilities. Also Greg did make a point though if it is not organized then how will anything be calm and civilized. But everyone should know right for wrong.
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