The problem statement for this experiment is this: Do objects at rest really remain at rest unless acted upon by external forces?Post your result in the lab report format including the Objective, Hypothesis, Materials Used, Procedure, Data, Picture, and conclusion.
Experiment 1
hypothesis- I predict that the cart won't go anywhere at all. It will be at the same place.
trial 1- it didn't move from the spot
trial 2- the same thing happened
trial 3- same thing
conclusion- In conclusion a object at rest will stay at rest until a force moves it. The cart did not move when we quickly removed the wood from under it.
Forces/Newton's Law of Motion: Experiment 1
Objective: The objects at rest remains at rest unless acted upon an external forces.
Hypothesis: I think that when you remove the ramp from underneath the cart it will roll/move.
Materials Used: 8" inch string, ramp, cart
1. Set the wooden ramp on a table with about 12" of the ramp extending over the edge of the tables.
2. Place the Hall's cart on top of the ramp that is over the table. The cart at this point is in stste of rest.
3. Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the Hall's cart. Try this 4-5 times. Record your observations.
Trial 1- it stayed on the table/ didn't move
Trial 2- it stayed on the table/didn't move
Trial 3- it stayed on the table/didn't move
Trial 4- it stayed on the table/didn't move
1. The cart didn't roll/move it stayed on the table.
2. My hypothesis was incorrect
3. Yes the object does follow the Newton's first Law.
4. Nothing went wrong with the experiment.
5. This could be used in real life situations because if you weren't able to pull a car, you could use the cart to pull the car and rope and/or chain to hook to the car and chart.
6. I learned that predictions aren't always right.
Physicist Tyesha Hall
April 9, 2008
Objective- The objective of this lab is to effectively explain Newton’s Laws.
Hypothesis- I think that when you remove the ramp from underneath the cart it will move.
Materials used- 8’’ inch string, wooden ramp, Cart, 200gram
1. Set the wooden ramp on the table with about 12’’ of the ramp extending over the edge of the tables.
2. Place the Hall’s cart pm the [art of the ramp that is over the table] The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
3. Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the Hall’s cart. Try this 4-5 times. Record your observations.
4. Analyze your results. What happened to the cart when the ramp is removed? Does the cart follow Newton’s first law for a body at rest? Record your results and conclusion.
Trial 1 – It stayed on table & didn’t move at all.
Trial 2-It stayed the same and didn’t move.
Trial 3- Didn’t move
4 Didn’t move
Conclusion- the cart did not move
My hypothesis was incorrect
Inae Johnson
Experment 1
Lab Title:At rest remain At rest
Physicist Inae Johnson
setion 11-1
april 09,2008
Objective:To see if the rest unnless acted upon by fores.
Hyposthise: when I saw the wooden ramp and the halls cart I was not sure if pulling the wooden ramp will make the hall chat going into A diffenrt motion .
After see some type of motion in experiment one I though The same thing was going to happen againg ,the reason I state this is becaues if if doing the same the twice I will more like to beleive that the same thing will come up once more .
When reacheing Expreiment three I finally thought that the hall's cart was going to fall off the table . The reason I may sate this is beacues after pull the halls chat in the frist two experiment I came to a conclusion that may be the more focre you put into pull the wooed ramp than more likely the halls cart will fall off the table.
When the the last exrpreiment came around I thought to myself ok secen when pull the wooden ramp from the frist expreiment I saw that there was a pattern that the same thing happen in each exrpeiment that was done .so I believe that the samething was going to happen for this experiment as well.
1.Set the wooden ramp on the table with about 12'' of the ramp extening over the edge of the table .
2.Place the hall's cart pm the[artof the table .
3.Standing to one side,quickly jerk the ramp out form underneath the hall's cart.
Data :
Trial 1: When pull the wooden ramp the hall's cart stay in the same place .
Trial 2:When pull the wooden ramp once more the same thing happen angain.
Trial3:When the force of pull the wooden ramp the hall's cart made a little bit a movement.
Trial4:when pull the wooden ramp for the last time around the hall's cart almost fell off the talbe.
While do my hyposthesis I took dotice that my hyposthesis for all four mauture up of waht I was thing before doing the experiment .The reason why is becaue there was a pattern of the same thing happen in each expreiment.
Experiment #1 Objective: We were to see if the cart when it was at rest would remain at rest unitl we moved it.
Hypothesis: I belevie that the cart will move backwards.
Procedures: 1. Place the cart on the wood board.
2. Pull the borad from under the cart about four or five times.
3. Record your data.
Data: Observation 1 The cart moved up and then backwards.
Observation 2 The cart stayed in the same position and dropped off the board.
Observation 3 The cart dropped and moved forward a little bit.
Observation 4 The cart moved a little side ways.
Materials: Wood Board, plastic cart and table.
Conclusions: The cart moved a little bit and dropped to the table when the borad was pulled from underneath. My hoypothesis was correct the cart did now back, but only when the borad was moed that the cart was able to move. Yes it follows the first law. The cart did not move when it was not touched. Until it was moved by an outside force which was the borad.
Sydeeqwa Matthews
I think the car will land on the table due too the weight but at the same time because of the wheels.
Is to apply Newton’s law toward this project. Newton’s law describes the connection between the course of a change in an objective velocity and the resulting displacement.
2 by 4 piece of wood
Set the wooden ramp on a table 12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the table.
Place the hall’s cart pm the art of the ramp is over the table. The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the halls cart. Try this 4-5 times record your observation.
Step 1: on the table
Step2: on table
Step3: off table
Step4: on table
Step5: on table
When we did the experiment it was easy and clear to understand. When we pulled the ramp from under the ramp it fell a few times but most of the time it landed on the table. My hypothesis was some what right because the car landed on the table a couple of times.
Objects at Rest Remain at Rest
Physicist James Fisher Group Members Physicist Blair Robinson Physicist Marquisa Howard Section 11-1 April 8, 2008
Objective: The problem statement for this experiment is “do objects at rest remain at rest unless acted upon by external forces”.
Hypothesis: What do you predict would happen if the ramp is pulled out from under the cart? We believe the cart will roll and hit the table.
Materials: A wooden ramp, a cart, and table.
1.Set the wooden ramp on the table with 12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the table.
2.Place the hall’s cart on top of the ramp. The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
3.Standing to one side quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the halls cart. Try this four to five times record observations.
4.Analyze your results, what happens to the cart when the ramp was removed? Was your hypothesis correct? Does the cart follow Newton’s first law? Record you results and conclusion.
Pull Results:
Trail 1-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
Trail 2-Rolled back and stopped on the table
Trail 3-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
Trail 4-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
as you can see the object moved when an outside force is applyed. My hypothesis was also correct, but i feel as if i did more trials there would have been more reactions.
Objective: The objects at rest remains at rest unless acted upon an external forces.
Hypothesis: I believe the Hall'scart will stay on the board when u move it from the it.
Materials : 8 inch string, ramp, Hall's cart
1. Place the wooden ramp the table with about 12 inches of the ramp hanging over the edge of the table.
2. Place Hall's cart on top of the ramp that is over the table. The cart at this point is in stste of rest.
3. Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the Hall's cart. Try this about 4 times. Record your observations.
Trial 1- Fell off the table and broke.
Trial 2- no movement
Trial 3- no movement
Trial 4- no movement
1. The cart fell once and stayed on the other 3 times
2. My hypothesis was not correct
3. Yes the object does follow the Newton's first Law.
4. Nothing went wrong with the experiment.
5. This could be used in real life situations.
6. I learned that sometimes when objects fall it depends on the way it falls to determine whether it breaks or not.
Objects at Rest Remain at Rest
Physicist Blair Robinson Group Members Physicist James Fisher Physicist Marquisa Howard Section 11-1 April 8, 2008
Objective: The problem statement for this experiment is “do objects at rest remain at rest unless acted upon by external forces”.
Hypothesis: What do you predict would happen if the ramp is pulled out from under the cart? We believe the cart will roll and hit the table.
Materials: A wooden ramp, a cart, and table.
1.Set the wooden ramp on the table with 12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the table.
2.Place the hall’s cart on top of the ramp. The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
3.Standing to one side quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the halls cart. Try this four to five times record observations.
4.Analyze your results, what happens to the cart when the ramp was removed? Was your hypothesis correct? Does the cart follow Newton’s first law? Record you results and conclusion.
Pull Results:
Trail 1-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
Trail 2-Rolled back and stopped on the table
Trail 3-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
Trail 4-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
I have come to the conclusion that the object is moved when strong force is applied. My hypothesis were somewhat correct. In certain trails I thought that the cart wouldn’t moved forward at all and just roll back. As you seen most of the trails the cart rolled forward.
Forces/Newton's Law of Motion: Experiment 1
Objective:The objects at rest remains at rest unless acted upon an external forces.
Hypothesis: That the cart will move because of an xternal force.
1 pc. of wood
1 halls cart
1. Set the wooden ramp on the table with about 12’’ of the ramp extending over the edge of the tables.
2. Place the Hall’s cart pm the [art of the ramp that is over the table] The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
3. Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the Hall’s cart. Try this 4-5 times. Record your observations.
4. Analyze your results. What happened to the cart when the ramp is removed? Does the cart follow Newton’s first law for a body at rest? Record your results and conclusion.
Trial 1- Cart dropped w/o movement
Trial 2- Cart dropped w/o movement
Trial 3- Cart dropped w/o movement
Trial 4- Dropped and rolled forward
My hypothesis was correct on the last trial because it moved due to the force. Also, i learned that a object does not move just because force was applied to it.
Experiment: Objects at rest remain at rest.
Objective- To prove that objects at rest really remain at rest unless acted upon by external forces.
Hypothesis- If the ramp is pulled from underneath that cart, the cart will roll onto the table and continue to roll.
Procedure- 1. Set the wooden ramp on a table with about 12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the tables.
2. Place the Hall’s cart on top of the part of the ramp that is on the table. The cart is not at a state of rest. Write down hypothesis.
3. Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the Hall’s cart. Try this 4-5 times. Record your results.
4. Analyze results and conclusion.
Data- Trial 1- The cart rolled off the table but didn’t move.
Trial 2- The cart rolled off the table but didn’t move.
Trial 3- The cart rolled off the table but didn’t move.
Trial 4- The cart rolled off the table but didn’t move.
Conclusion- In the end when the ramp was removed from underneath the cart, the cart was released onto the table but did not move. My hypothesis was semi-correct. The cart was released onto the table, however, it did not move once on the table like I had anticipated. Newton’s 1st law was proved by this experiment to be correct because the cart remained at rest it was just at rest on a different surface. Through all five trials we encountered the same results. Though nothing went wrong, I learned that Newton’s 1st law is actually evident in real life. It would be the same in an actual situation. Just like if you had an actual vehicle and moved it off a tow truck it can’t go anywhere without actual force exerted on it.
I predict that the HART CAR will land on the table. Because due too the weight that is on the car but at the same time because of the wheels its most likely to go forward.
Is that in order to find any solution I will have to conduct Newtons Law to this project. Newton’s law describes the connection between the course of a change in an objective velocity and the resulting displacement.
2 by 4 piece of wood
Set the wooden ramp on a table 12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the table.
Place the hall’s cart pm the art of the ramp is over the table. The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the halls cart. Try this 4-5 times record your observation.
Step 1: on the table
Step2: on table
Step3: off table
Step4: on table
Step5: on table
When my group and I tried the Law to the project it was very easy and understandable. When we pulled the ramp from under the ramp it fell a few times but most of the time it landed on the table. My hypothesis was some what right because the car landed on the table a couple of times.
I predict that the HART CAR will land on the table. Because due too the weight that is on the car but at the same time because of the wheels its most likely to go forward.
Is that in order to find any solution I will have to conduct Newtons Law to this project. Newton’s law describes the connection between the course of a change in an objective velocity and the resulting displacement.
2 by 4 piece of wood
Set the wooden ramp on a table 12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the table.
Place the hall’s cart pm the art of the ramp is over the table. The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the halls cart. Try this 4-5 times record your observation.
Step 1: on the table
Step2: on table
Step3: off table
Step4: on table
Step5: on table
When my group and I tried the Law to the project it was very easy and understandable. When we pulled the ramp from under the ramp it fell a few times but most of the time it landed on the table. My hypothesis was some what right because the car landed on the table a couple of times.
Experiment 1
Objective: The objects at rest remains at rest unless acted upon an external forces.
Hypothesis: I believe that the car will land on the table due to the wheel and the roll back.
Materials Used: 1.)A Cart
2.) 2 by 1
3.) Ruler
Produres: 1.) Set wood on to the table along with the cart.
2.) Measure 8 inch away from the table to measure how far the wood is where the wood belong.
3.) Place the cart on the wood and then pull the wood out fromt he cart.
4.) Repeat this step over about 4 more times.
Data: Trail 1-Stayed on the Table
Trail 2-Satyed on the table
Trail 3- Fell off the table.
Trail 4- Stayed on the table.
Trail 5- Stayed on the table.
Conclusion: The cart did what I said what will happen 80% of the time. When I did the third trail it fell because the measurements where a little off or the cart was to far from the table.
Force/ Newton’s Law of Motion
Physicists Ebony Williams
April 9, 2008
Section 11-1
Experiment 1
Objects at Rest Remain At Rest
Objective: The objective of this experiment is to predict whether a hall’s cart would fall off a wooden ramp that is placed on a table that is approximately being jerked about 4-5 times.
Hypothesis: I predict that the Hall’s cart will fall off the table the first time it is jerked.
Materials Used: -String -Hall’s cart -200 g mass
-Table -Spring Scale -Hook
-Scissors -Ruler
Procedure: 1. Set the wooden ramp on a table with about12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the tables.
2. Place the Hall’s cart pm the [art of the ramp that is over the table. The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
3. Standing to one side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the Hall’s cart. Try this 4-5 times. Record your observations.
Trial Spring Scale Reading
1st Trial 0.1
2nd Trial 0.5
3rd Trial 0.1
4th Trial 0.1
5th Trial 1.5
Results: The first time a member of the group pulled the wooden ramp from underneath the cart our Hall’s cart fell on the floor, not to mention braking it. The second time I pulled it, it stayed. The third time it also stayed. The fourth time it in fact stayed again.
Conclusion: My conclusion was correct the first time I predicted the Hall’s cart was going to fall on the floor and it did.
QA: What happen to the cart when the ramp was removed? The first time our cart was moved it fell on the floor and broke.
Was your hypothesis correct? Yes, in fact my hypothesis was correct.
Does the cart follow Newton’s first law for a body at rest? No, I don’t think Newton’s first law follows the cart because I don’t believe it will stay the same.
Experiment #1
Objective:The point of the lab is to pull the wooden ramp out from under the cart. To see what the cart would do. But the wooden ramp must be "12"inches extended.
Hypothesis:What i think will happen
is the cart will slide on the table.
-Wooden ramp
Proceedure: Start off by placing a wooden ramp on the table. Then place a cart on the top the ramp. then quickly jerk the ramp out from under the cart. You have to do this atleast 4 to 5 times. To see how different the lab is.
Observation 1 - The cart moved up and then back.
Observation 2 - The cart stayed in the same and dropped off the board.
Observation 3- The cart dropped and moved forward.
Observation 4 - The cart moved a little.
Conclusion: The cart did not really change its position. The cart did mostly the same thing. It went in the same direction. The cart didn't really move when the wooden ramp was pull from under the cart.
Experiment #1
Objects at Rest Remain at Rest
Physicist Symone Gladden
Physicist Yanique Tomlinson
Physicist Darren Gibson
April 9,2008
Section 11-1
Objective: Do objects at rest really remain at rest unless acted upon by external force?
Hypothesis: The cart will move because of an external force.
Materials: Hall’s cart, wooden board, a 12" ruler
1. Conduct your hypothesis before you do the experiment.
2. Set the wooden ramp on a table with about 12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the tables.
3. Place the Hall’s cart on the part of the ramp that is on the table from under the cart.
4. The cart at this point is at rest. What do you predict will happen if the ramp is pulled out from under the cart?
5. Standing tone side, quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the Hall’s cart. Try this 4-5 times. Record your observations each time.
6. Analyze your results. What happened to the cart when the ramp is removed? Was your hypothesis correct? Does the cart follow Newton’s first law for body of rest? Record your results and conclusion
Data: Trial 1-----the cart dropped
Trial 2----- the cart dropped with no movement
Trial 3-----the cart dropped
Trial 4-----the cart dropped then moved backwards
Graphs and pictures
There was a question that needed to be answered. Is Newton's first law correct? Well to answer that question there was an experiment that would prove his law would be true. As a group we chose to put a cart on top of a wooden ramp. Afterwards we jerked the wooden ramp from under the car to see if it would move. Our results supported Newton's first law. On the first and second trial the cart just dropped. The third, the cart dropped also. However on the last trial the cart dropped and moved backwards. The cart dropping towards the table was a type of force. Another force was the table pushing up towards the cart. From the experiment it showed us that if we did not jerk the ramp from under the cart it would not have moved because there was no other external forces active.
My hypothesis was correct. The cart did move because of an external force. The cart follows Newton's first law for a body at rest. By doing this experiment I learned how to work together as a group to try and prove a point. I already new that an object would not move unless some type of other force was making it. To improve the experiment I would have put a mass weight in the inside.
Experiment #2
Force to Move Objects from Rest
Physicist Symone Gladden
Physicist Yanique Tomlinson
Physicist Darren Gibson
April 10,2008
Sec. 11-1
Objective: Is the force required to move an object from rest different from the force required to keep an object moving?
Hypothesis: The force to move an object from rest is more difficult than keeping an object moving.
Materials: Hall’s cart, wooden board, string, a 200 mg weight, a ruler
Procedure: 1. Cut a piece of string about 8” long. Tie one end to the front of the Hall’s cart and tie a loop in the free end.
2. Put the 200 gram mass in the cart.
3. Push the cart back and forth on the table and think about the problem statement. Do you think the force required to move the cart from rest is the same, less than, or greater than the force required to keep the cart moving? Write down this hypothesis before you begin the procedure.
4. Zero the spring scale and attach the hook on the spring scale to the string loop on the cart.
5. Tug on the spring scale several times to start the cart moving from rest. Note and record the spring scale reading each time.
6. Now jerk on the spring scale several times to rapidly start the cart from moving from rest. Note and record the spring scale readings.
7. Finally, pull the cart across the table or floor at a constant speed several times. Note and record the spring scale reading each time. Try this step again, pulling the cart at a faster speed and record your results.
8. Analyze your results. Which takes more force, to start an object from moving from rest or to keep and object moving? Which takes more force to start an object moving slowly or to start it moving quickly? Was your hypothesis correct? Does the cart follow Newton’s first law for a body at rest?
The objective of this experiment was to see if the force to move the cart from rust is the same, led than, is greater than the force required to keep the cart moving. First we jerked the spring scale several times to rapidly to start the cart moving from rest. We did this four times to see what our resdults would be. Next we pulled the cart across the table at a constant speed several times. After that we pulled at a faster speed. This helped us prove that the force to move a object from rest needs more force than to keep an object moving.
My hypothesis was correct. You would need a greater force because the cart is already stationary. I would have tried to make the speeds more accurate to improve the experiment. I learned how to measure speed in newtons per grans, I also learned how to put together a experiment to prove my hypothesis was correct.
Objects at Rest Remain at Rest
Physicist:Marquisa Howard Group Members Physicist James Fisher Physicist Blair Robinson Section 11-1 April 16, 2008
Objective: The problem statement for this experiment is "An object at rest remain at rest unless acted upon by external forces.”
Hypothesis: I believe the cart will roll of the ramp instead of dropping straight down.
Materials: A wooden ramp, a cart, and table.
1.Set the wooden ramp on the table with 12” of the ramp extending over the edge of the table.
2.Place the hall’s cart on top of the ramp. The cart at this point is in a state of rest.
3.Standing to one side quickly jerk the ramp out from underneath the halls cart. Try this four to five times record observations.
Experiment 1:
Trail 1-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
Trail 2-Rolled back and stopped on the table
Trail 3-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
Trail 4-Rolled forward and stopped on the table
Conclusion:My hypothesis was correct. If i could change something about the lab i would pull the ramp of a different object.
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