The cost of oil is causing car manufacutures, politicians, and consumers to think about alternative methods to power their cars and homes. Research alternative methods of energy such as solar power, water, wind, vegetable products. Discuss the pros and cons to each of the types of energy listed above. After researching all of the energy sources what type of energy would you choose for your utopian society and why?
solar power, water, wind, vegetable products
The pros of solar power is that it is free to use solar energy but the cons are that it attracts to much heat.
With water the pros are that it will not harm the ozone layer. Now for wind the pros are that you don't have to pay for it and i can't think of any cons. Plus with vegetable products the pros is that its health and the cons are that it almost cost the same as oil. And if i had to make a chose i would use water because it is safe for the environment.
The pros of solar power is that it is free to use solar energy but the cons are that it attracts to much heat.
With water the pros are that it will not harm the ozone layer. Now for wind the pros are that you don't have to pay for it and i can't think of any cons. Plus with vegetable products the pros is that its health and the cons are that it almost cost the same as oil. And if i had to make a chose i would use water because it is safe for the environment.
The pros of solar power is that it is free usage and it will also will not harm the ozone layer.. The cons are that it draws heat...vegeatbles products are very health for you but it cost so much money
I agree with Mr.Darren because solar power is free and does attract lots of heat. I believe that is used all the time which is a pro and a con is that some water is not clean. Vegetables are healty for the human body
The pros of solar energy
Solar energy is free.
In sunny countries, solar power can be used where there is no easy way to get electricity to a remote place.
The Cons
Doesn't work at night.
Very expensive to build solar power stations.Solar cells cost a great deal compared to the amount of electricity they'll produce in their lifetime.Can be unreliable unless you're in a very sunny climate. In the United Kingdom, solar power isn't much use except for low-power applications, as you need a very large area of solar panels to get a decent amount of power.
The Pros of Hydro energy
Once the dam is built, the energy is virtually free.
No waste or pollution produced.
Much more reliable than wind, solar or wave power.
Electricity can be generated constantly.
The Cons
The dams are very expensive to build.Building a large dam will flood a very large area upstream, causing problems for animals that used to live there.Finding a suitable site can be difficult - the impact on residents and the environment may be unacceptable.
The Pros of wind energy
Wind is free.A good method of supplying energy to remote areas.
The Cons
The wind is not always predictable some days have no wind.Can kill birds migrating flocks tend to like strong winds. Can affect television reception if you live nearby.
Wind is good because it can at times help people cool off for example during the springtime when u open your window the wind cools you off. a CON is that wind can sometimes be strong and blow things away
Sorl power, water , wind, vegetable oil .
The pros of sorl power well have to be how free sorl is ues. the cons of sorl power will have to be how it will stared to get hot outside. With water I will have to say that the pros of water there will be know side effect of anyone get hurt.I believe that the pros of wind will have to be haow wind is free of cost . I aslo feel that wind aslo can have its down side as well I say this becaues wind is evrey power and it can hurt people .
For my Utopian society i would use vegetables products because it is good for the body but at the same time we need water.further being without water can cause a lot of problems.
The pros of solar power is that your car will run off the sun and you do not have to pay for the sun. The con is if it is not sunny outside you cannot drive your car because there would be no solar power to make it move.
If you use water you would have to make sure you get things done in that one day because it would evaporate unless you carried containers of water in the car. All that water would be as just as much as paying for gas.
With wind your car would go in all different directions and you cannot control that.
Vegetable products are a very good way of making your car run. It would probably run longer and the oil would lasts longer.
The pros of using solar power is that its free, where you don't need permittion to use it. The cons of solar power is it uses a lot of heat, which is kind of like global warming. It uses so much heat that it causes things to melt, such as the snow. There's so much snow melting that in some years it can cause the earth to overflow of water.
If I were to choose which one I would want to use it would be solar vegetable products. I would use this becaus it wouldn't do any damage to you or anything, and its healthy for you. The only thing is it can cost a pretty penny, but its for the best.
Pros of solar power,Hydro energy,and wind energy. Are that it is from and it collect energy from the sun light. No waste of energy, and good for windy areas.
The Cons are very high pricing to build and doesn't work at night, dams could leave to floodng, and winds speed can become very dangerous if controuling an environment
Solar Power: The bad side to this is that people don't always live in a sunny environment. What happens when it's winter?
Water: The bad side to this is that once water is at a high demand to fill up vehicles the prices may soar. But then again water is a natural resource that can't be denied to a human by anyone.
Wind: The only downfall to this again is the climate. What happen's when it's not windy outside, or the wind from a insolated fan isn't enough?
Vegetable Products: Once more, the bad side to this one is that once it becomes at a high demand the proices may soar, and if they soar how are we going to cook if we can't afford vegetable oil?
The pros to all of these above is that it lessens the amount of gas and pollution emitted in to the air. It also decreases that amount of money people spend to put gas in their vehicles.
The type of energy that I would choose for my Utopian society would be water. That seems to be the only reasonable resource and one that the earth has plenty of. I believe that water is affordable and bountiful.
Solar power, water, wind, vegatable
Solar power is a great source for using to operate for things to move.
Cons: The bad side it draws more heat and it will destroy some things
Pros: Water its Water
Cons: I really dont have much to say good about water because it wiopl affect many thing including living things. If water be a source for mancufacturing then that will be a lack of survival
Pros: Wind might jus work
Cons: When it is hot and less air is polluted then it will most not be able to work
Pros: Vegatable products I really dopnt know any thing good
Cons: It will destroy the nature enviroment
I will choose the Solar Power it is the rally the only one that will not cause as much damaged to an utopia society
The pros of solar power is that your car will run off the sun and you do not have to pay for the sun. The con is if it is not sunny outside you cannot drive your car because there would be no solar power to make it move.
If you use water you would have to make sure you get things done in that one day because it would evaporate unless you carried containers of water in the car. All that water would be as just as much as paying for gas.
With wind your car would go in all different directions and you cannot control that.
Vegetable products are a very good way of making your car run. It would probably run longer and the oil would lasts longer.
In my utopian society I would have water because we have a bunch of it and we would never run out of it. I don't think wind would be a good idea because its not going to always be windy. And as far as vegatetable products iam unsure. Solar power I don't feel is always going be a good idea its not relieale. I believe the pro's of those alternative methods to their homes and cars is its way light on gas and reasonable. And as far as con's I can't think of any bad things. And for solar power its not always going to be sunny that's why I didn't choose any other alternative methods.
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