In this thread you must Discuss Architecture. What style of housing would you use? Is "row housing" the best way to organize housing? What types of materials would be used? Wood? Stone? Brick? Mud?You must discuss the reason why you chose the materials. Is it bio-degradable?
You must respond to the ideas of at least four of your cohort (group) members.
I believe that row housing is not the best way to organize housing because if one persons house catchs on fire it could destroy the entire block. I would use brick because wood burns easily, mud is not clean
I believe that it should be with bricks because it is easy to do and i think it is bio-degradeable.
and also we need trees so wood is not a good thing to use and mud is dirty.
The kind of house that I would use in my utopian socitey in town houses because it will be easy to use them and putting together a community. If I decide to use a town house the best way will be to put them in a rows on blocks/streets. I would use bricks, wood, mud, cement,and marble toward building them. I think that it will fit into what everyone will like in their house and also because it will be good for building a house. I think that it will be bio-degradable and well fit to live in
I agree with greg because we need trees and i think it is bio degradeable.
Building a house from the ground up is the best way to build a house. I would use brick, the reason why i would use brick is because it is very sturdy and it better than wood, stone, and mud. The brick would not be bio-degradable because brick can not go into the earth and be reused.
i agree with john because town houses are seperated and that could eliminate having mice into there homes because of there neighbors
i would also have a solar-powered house because it saves a bunch of energy and it works ya digg.
i agree with greg we should not waste trees on house they already are used for alot of things and yes mud is dirty
i agree with marquisa because brick is the best selection of all the materials to build a house with
i agree with Rahmid and Marquisa because bricks are very strong so that the houses don't break down fast and it is wind resistant.
I do not think that row-housing is the best house style, the type of style housing I would use is single homes because if anything bad were to happen then it wouldn't harm your neighbors and/or others just you. And I think houses are more spacious when it isn't connected to others. If I was to build a house the type of materials I would use is brick because to me it's the best material to use for building a house. Whether its bio-degradable I have no clue.
i agree with john and rahmid because if you have your home seperated you dont have to worry about getting insects and rodent from your neighbor and you will have more privacy
With row houses something they have gaps in them and still catch on fire. Another thing that could help to twin house and also if houses are seperated far apart from each other.
I strongly believe thta row houses would not be best fit for my utopian society because then to many homes will be a stake if soething happens to only one of them. I would use brick, cement, marble and stone to make sure the homes are very secure! I also believe thatit would be bio-degradable!
I agree with Greg when he said about solar power. It would cause major affect in the community.
For Housing I would use Brick to build it due to how strong it hold up. I would not build a row-house because like rahmid said if one catch on fire it could burn down the entire block. Also, i think that it would bio-degradable.
Row houses are not a very smart way of organizing your hous because if on person on the block is unclean and they have rats and roches then every one on the block is going to have they because they travel also if you live in a row house it is more easyer for your house toi catch on fire because if if someone is being resless and by accedent one house catch on fire and if the fire is not mantain very quicly many valeable thing and life could be in danger. I would build my house with bricks not only because it takes longer to burn but cause it more difficut for anything to get in.My house would also be a single house so every one would be responsable for what ever they bo on there premises.
I agree with john because a town house not only give you your space but it also would dring the commmunity together as on and as for the building part his ideas are great too buit i would just stick to bricks and cement.
I believe that the type of way to have a house is it being single. That's because it would eliminate the main factors of problems occuring. Im saying that if there is row homes, and one house has any type of pest problem others would be affected. As well say if something happens like a gas line blows, and a home catches on fire. The homes connected will be affected. So that leads for single homes being the best choice. When you have row homes there isn't a lot of things that you could do with the outside because of the space conditions. The best way to build a home is with brick. That's because it has better structure. Meaning it is stable duuring windy seasons, more of a better risk in any type of weather condition. Or of anything of the un thinkable to survive.
To me I think that it is bio- degradeable.
I believe that the best type of housing for my utopian socity will have to be all single homes . The reason I state this is becaues if every one had there only single space then there will be last fights over who povery some on on , and this will give people to have there own driver way and that can make all the noies they want.
I stongly believe that the type of material that I will ues will have to be bricks.The reason why i will ues brick becaues i finf bricks to last long and there more independent than mud ,wood or any other materials .
I agree with Rahmdi becaues if a houes was to catch on fire than it will be more like that the next houe next to it will catch fon fire as well.
I also agree with Geg b. becaues we do need tree and we make paper out of wood and it is bad enough than in to socity that many people don't recycle so it would not be in the best to make house out of wood.
The style of house i would use is a town house because there better. Row housing is not really good. What if one of the house had a fire. All the other row houses would be on fire too. If the fire wasn't stopped. To build my house i would use stone and wood. these were my choices because they seem like they can make a nice livable home.
I disagree with Greg and Rahmid. I think we should be able to use trees for wood. If we use trees for paper why cant we use it for wood.
I agree with marquisa. Building a house from ground up is the best way.
I agree with Marquisa when she said she would use brick because it's more sturdy and that building a house from ground up is the best way, also how it would be bio-degradable because bricks cannot be reused.
I Also uderstand where Rahmid Is coming from. That why I would give everyone some space and I wood use Stone to build the homes because they are more durable then wood. Also because it can withstand the pounding of hurricanes, tornados, and storms. Also its doesnt have problems with insects
If I could picture the architecture of my utopia it could be comprised of a combination of single homes and twin homes that are either made out of stone or bricks. I believe that by using these materials and building the homes properly it would be able to withstand a multitude of natural disasters (depending on how severe it is). For a structure to be biodegradable it has to be able to decompose rapidly under natural conditions. With homes being made of stone and brick it would lowere their level of biodegradability. In addition, with the homes either being a twin or single home it gives the residents options with adequate living space either way.
I agree with Greg. Trees are a very important factor when living anywhere because trees are a very important part of life for all beings on earth.
I agree with Yanique. To eliminate the passing of pests and germs between homes the best thing is to have space in between them
I don't understand what Faneesha meant when she said that because bricks were biodegradable they were able to be reused.
In my utopian society as far as housing I would have "row houses" because I want everything perfect and in my opioion I think that row houses look better, more neater. The materials used would be stone possibly bricks pertickly stone because when I make stuff it has to last. Yes it will be able to be recycled back into the earth.
I do agree with Rahmid as far as what will happen around you I juess I didn't think it out thoughly. I also agree with marquisa building anything from the ground up is a good idea too.
James made a very good point when talking about the insects. Stone would eliminate insects, something I never thought about.
Building my own House would be fun and creative. First I will decide whether or not I want a house like anybody else (a normal house). Most like I would want it be like no one else. The syle of it will be different. It will be build with stone, so it can help support the privacy of the household and prevent train from lecking in and sound proof. It will b a perfect house for a utopia society. Materials will be complicated to keep stone together but i would have to use mud. And cement will be another material i will use. I will need a bucket to put the items in and i will need money. Truefully i will use a selection for my house mud,stone,bricks and mud. Row houses would not be a good option on deciding on a perfectn house why cause they going to look alike.
Ebony had a goo predictin and said many things she would like but she a alittle spelling correction to make.
Ebony had a goo predictin and said many things she would like but she a alittle spelling correction to make.
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