Newton's Second law says that the net force of an object is directly proportional to the product of the mass and the acceleration of the object. In other words F=ma. Post Lab V here. You are to include all of the components of a lab report. You must answer all of the conclusion questions for the lab.
Does increasing the force on an object increase the acceleration of the object.
As we put more washers on the paper clip on the string. The cart will then move forward. I don't think the cart will roll until the a lot of washers are put on the paper clip.
Materials Used:
-Steel Rod
-Paper Clip
Tape the steel rod to the table. Then cut a piece of string 1meter long.Then tie the end of the string to the cart. Open up the paper clip and put it on the string. Then start putting the washers on the paper clip.
1.The cart just sat there.
2.Then the cart didn't move.
3.Then the cart moved a little bit.
4.The cart then rolled a little.
5.The cart rolled and hit the rod on the table.
As we increased the mass of the cart the acceleration increased as well. So my hypothesis was true.
Objective: Does the force on hall's cart cause the cart to move.
Hypothesis: I believe that as you had the washers to the paper clip and string the car will move slighty forwards.
steel rod
meter string
paper clip
tape the steel rod on the table horizontally. Cut a part of the string 1meter and tie the string to the cart. Put paper clips on the string then add washers to the clips.
1st- The Cart moved slighty
2nd- Cart did not move
3rd- Cart moved slighty again
4th- Cart moved alot
Conclusion: My hypthosis was correct in a way because the cart moved slighty twice. It was incorrect because once the cart didnt move at all and another time the cart moved alot. If i could change something about the experiment it would be that i would not use a meter string. This can used in real life because if some toy makers were trying to see how much force would needed to be put on a toy for it too be damaged.
Darren Gibson
Objective: Does increasing the force on an object increase the acceleration of the object.
Hypothesis: I believe that once the paper clip contain a lot of washers, the hall's cart will then begin to pick up speed.
-Steel Rod
-Paper Clip
1. Tape the steel rod to edge of table
2. Cut a piee of string 1 meter long. attach one end of the string to the cart using a paper clip.
3. Open up a paperclip to form a loop on one end and a hook on the other. tie the loop end of the paperclip to the free end of the string.
4. Put the cart on the table about 3/4 of a meter from the rod and hang the end of the paperclip over the rod. Put the 100g mass in the cart.
5. Add washers to the paperclip hook one at a time until the cart begins to move.
T1- move constant with 5 washers
T2- jerked at 2 washers, constant with 4 washers
T3-jerked at 2 washers, constant with 5 washers
T4-Jerked on 3 washers constant on 5 washers
In my conclusion i will state that through out this entire experimental lab it has been proven that my hypothesis was correct. so that mean from me increase the force on the hall's cart it has increased its acceleration.
Object: To see if the force of and object increase the acceleration.
Hypothesis: When I first saw the hall’s cart and seen what had to me done I was like this hall’s cart is not going to fall off this table the reason why I may say this is because we had a Harvey hall’s cart so I was guess that it was going to land at the end of the table with out falling off the table.
Material /use
1. Tape
2. Steel Rod
3. table
4. String
5. paper clip
6. Washers
Tape the steel rod to the table. Then cut a piece of string 1meter long.Then tie the end of the string to the cart. Open up the paper clip and put it on the string. Then start putting the washers on the paper clip.
1.The cart just sat there.
2.Then the cart didn't move.
3.Then the cart moved a little bit.
4.The cart then rolled a little.
5.The cart rolled and hit the rod on the table
Yes my hypothesis was correct. The reason why my hypothesis was correct is because when I fist took a look at the hall’s cart I new from right then and there that the hall’s cart was to Harvey to fall off the table. If I could go back and change one thing about my experiment I will first change the halls cart the reason why I will change it is because it seems to be a little havery than the other hall’s cart. From doing this experiment I learn that force is all in the type of motion you put in it. I believe that this experiment can be used in everyday life with conconen worker.
Does increasing the force on an object increase the acceleration of the object.
When we put the washers on the paperclip it will pull the car down as more is added.
-steel rod
-paper clip
tape the steel rod on the table horizontally. Cut a part of the string 1meter and tie the string to the cart. Put paper clips on the string then add washers to the clips.
1.the cart moved
2.the cart hit the rod
3.the cart didn't move
4.the cart moved
My hypothesis was almost correct. When our group did each trial we came up with two different answers.
At first it was kinda hard to understand what the lab was but we got the hang of what was suppose to be done.
Experiment: Force and Acceleration
Objective: To prove that by increasing the force on an object the acceleration of the object increases also.
Hypothesis: As the washers are added to the paper clip it gradually weighs down the cart and the cart is gradually pulled towards the washers. When more washers are added the speed of the cart increases.
Procedure: 1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of a table so that it s directly over the edge. This will act to reduce friction in the experiment.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long. Attach one end of the string to the Hall’s cart using a paper clip.
3. Open up a paper clip to form a loop on one end and a hook on the other. Tie the loop end of the paperclip to the free end of the string.
4. Put the cart on the table about ¾ of a meter from the rod and hang the end of the paperclip over the rod.
5. Add washers to the paperclip hook one at a time until the cart begins to move (it should take 1-3 washers). Carefully observe the speed of the cart as it moves along the table. Repeat 4-5 times and record the number of washers used each time.
6. Think about doubling or tripling on the cart by doubling or tripling the number of washers. Write your prediction down as a hypothesis.
7. Repeat step 5, but this time double the force by doubling the number of washers. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. Record your results.
8. Repeat step 7, but this time triple the number of washers used in step 5. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. Record your results.
Trial 1- Number of washers used: 3
Results: The cart moved a little distance at a slow speed.
Trial 2- Number of washers used: 4
Results: The cart moved a bit faster and traveled a greater distance.
Trial 3- Number of washers used: 5
Results: The cart moved faster and traveled a greater distance.
Trial 4- Number of washers used: 6
Results: The cart’s speed and distance greatly increased.
Trial 5- Number of washers used: 7
Results: The cart’s speed and distance steadily increased.
After completing this experiment there is an array of things I can say that I have learned and have realized are applicable to the world in which we live in. When adding the washers to the end of the paperclip, I realized that the force the washers had applied in pulling the cart was gravity itself. To answer the question of this experiment, yes, it takes more force to accelerate the cart quickly rather than slowly; the reason being that more washers were needed to keep the cart moving at a fast and steady pace rather than just a slow one. In fact my hypothesis was correct, the more force the washers created, the faster the cart traveled. From this I can say that in actual life when enough force is exerted on an object the object will in fact travel at a fast and steady distance until that force is removed. As stated in Newton’s law the force required to accelerate the cart is proportional to the rate of acceleration. While performing this experiment my colleagues and I had difficulty putting as large amount of washers on the paperclip, for it is only but so wide, but I still learned that gravity is a universal force that pushes and pulls everything on the earths surface.
Does increasing the force on an object increase the acceleration of the object.
I believe that the speed of the cart will move fatser do to the weight of the washers. The acceleration will also increase as well do the weight. It will take 6 to 8 washer for to get to it constant speed.
Materials Used:
-Steel Rod
-Paper Clip
1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of the table.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long.
3. Attach one end of the string to the Hall's cart using paperclip.
4. Put the cart on the table about 3/4 of a meter from the rod and hang end of the paperclip over the rod.
5. Put the 100 gram mass int the cart.
6. Add washer to the end of the paperclip until the cart begin to move.
Trail 1: It took 4 washer for it to move but 7 of them to pick up speed.
Trail 2: It took 4 washer to move but 7 made it pick up speed.
Trail 3: It took three washer to move it but this time we added 8 washer and the speed increase a lot.
Trail 4: It took 3 washer and 7 for it to pick up cinstant speed.
Conclusion: My hypothesis has come out to be right. I thought about how the weigth in the cart and took in how much the washer will way down the cart. We can apply this in the real world when a car brake down. We can use how much a car ways and the power behind it in moving the car.
Experiment: 5
Force and Acceleration
Objective: To prove that by increasing the force on an object the acceleration of the object increases also.
Hypothesis: As the washers are added to the paper clip it gradually weighs down the cart and the cart is gradually pulled towards the washers. When more washers are added the speed of the cart increases.
Procedure: 1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of a table so that it s directly over the edge. This will act to reduce friction in the experiment.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long. Attach one end of the string to the Hall’s cart using a paper clip.
3. Open up a paper clip to form a loop on one end and a hook on the other. Tie the loop end of the paperclip to the free end of the string.
4. Put the cart on the table about ¾ of a meter from the rod and hang the end of the paperclip over the rod.
5. Add washers to the paperclip hook one at a time until the cart begins to move (it should take 1-3 washers). Carefully observe the speed of the cart as it moves along the table. Repeat 4-5 times and record the number of washers used each time.
6. Think about doubling or tripling on the cart by doubling or tripling the number of washers. Write your prediction down as a hypothesis.
7. Repeat step 5, but this time double the force by doubling the number of washers. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. Record your results.
8. Repeat step 7, but this time triple the number of washers used in step 5. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. Record your results.
Trial 1- Number of washers used: 3
Results: The cart moved a little distance at a slow speed.
Trial 2- Number of washers used: 4
Results: The cart moved a bit faster and traveled a greater distance.
Trial 3- Number of washers used: 5
Results: The cart moved faster and traveled a greater distance.
Trial 4- Number of washers used: 6
Results: The cart’s speed and distance greatly increased.
Trial 5- Number of washers used: 7
Results: The cart’s speed and distance steadily increased.
After completing this experiment there is an array of things I can say that I have learned and have realized are applicable to the world in which we live in. When adding the washers to the end of the paperclip, I realized that the force the washers had applied in pulling the cart was gravity itself. To answer the question of this experiment, yes, it takes more force to accelerate the cart quickly rather than slowly; the reason being that more washers were needed to keep the cart moving at a fast and steady pace rather than just a slow one. In fact my hypothesis was correct, the more force the washers created, the faster the cart traveled. From this I can say that in actual life when enough force is exerted on an object the object will in fact travel at a fast and steady distance until that force is removed. As stated in Newton’s law the force required to accelerate the cart is proportional to the rate of acceleration. While performing this experiment my colleagues and I had difficulty putting as large amount of washers on the paperclip, for it is only but so wide, but I still learned that gravity is a universal force that pushes and pulls everything on the earths surface
Physicist Blair Robinson
group Members Pyhsicist Marquisa Howard & James Fisher
Objects In Motion
Objective: To find the outcome of a object when a force when is increasing.
Hypothesis: I believe that when more force is added the more of an increase of the outcome.
Materials Used: Tape, Steel Rod, Table, Ruler, String, Cart, Paper clip, washers.
1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of the table.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long.
3. Attach one end of the string to the Hall's cart and the other end with the paper clip.
4. Put the cart on the table about 3/4 of a meter from the rod and hang the paperclip over the rod reaching the ground.
5. Put the 100 gram mass into the cart.
6. Add washers to the end of the paperclip each trial.
1. One washer addead didn't move.
2. Doubled with slow and litle movement.
3. Doubled again and moved twice as much in 2 trial.
4. Doubled again and cart moved even faster and went over the rod.
5. Doubled again same motion as trial 5.
Conclusion: My hypothesis were correct. As the force of the washers were doubled each time there was a greater outcome in each trail.
Physicist James Fisher group Members
Physicist Blair Robinson
Physicist Marquisa Howard
Objects In Motion
Objective: To find the outcome of a object when a force when is increasing.
Hypothesis: I believe that when more force is added the more of an increase of the outcome.
Materials Used: Tape, Steel Rod, Table, Ruler, String, Cart, Paper clip, washers.
1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of the table.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long.
3. Attach one end of the string to the Hall's cart and the other end with the paper clip.
4. Put the cart on the table about 3/4 of a meter from the rod and hang the paperclip over the rod reaching the ground.
5. Put the 100 gram mass into the cart.
6. Add washers to the end of the paperclip each trial.
1. One washer addead didn't move.
2. Doubled with slow and litle movement.
3. Doubled again and moved twice as much in 2 trial.
4. Doubled again and cart moved even faster and went over the rod.
5. Doubled again same motion as trial 4.
Conclusion: My hypothesis were correct. The more washes i added created more force causing the cart to roll faster and faster.
Objective: Does increasing the force on an object increase the acceleration of the object.
Hypothesis: Increasing the force increases the acceleration.
Materials: tape, paper clip, washers, string, steel rod
Procedure: 1)Tape the steel rod to the edge of the table so that it is directly over the edge. This will act to reduce friction in the experiment.
2)Cut a piece of string one meter long. Attach one end of the Hall's cart using a paper clip.
3)open up the paper clipto form a loop at one end and a hook at the other. Tie the loop end of the paper clip to the free end of the string.
5) Add washers to the paper clip hook one at a time until the cart begins to move. Carefully observe the speed of the cart as it moves along the table. Repeat 4-5 times. How does the speed of the cart change as it moves.
Trial 1--5 washers /moved constantly
Trial 2: 2 washers it jerked/4 washers started moving
Trial 3: moved a little until 5 washers was put on it
Conclusion: My hypothesis was that increasing the force would increase the acceleration. it was correct. When we tested the experiment the first trial five washers was used to get the cart moving at a constant speed. The second trial two washers were put on and it jerked. When two more washers were added to make four it started to move. The third trial when five washers were put on it moved constantly. The experiment proved that more force would increase the acceleration.
I believe that the experiment went well. There is not anything that I would hav done differently. During this experiment I confirmed my hypothesis to be correct. I also learned how to make good educated guesses. A real world application of this experiment was a balance scale. The more force that is added the more it will have a reaction.
Objectives: We were to see if inreasing the force on an object increases the acceleration of the object.
1.The speed of the cart getsfacter when the washers are added to the paper clips.
2.The acceleration will become greater. The more force the faster the cart will move.
Materials: Steel rod, tape, string, paperclip, washers, and halls cart.
1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of a table so that it s directly over the edge. This will act to reduce friction in the experiment.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long. Attach one end of the string to the Hall’s cart using a paper clip.
3. Open up a paper clip to form a loop on one end and a hook on the other. Tie the loop end of the paperclip to the free end of the string.
4. Put the cart on the table about ¾ of a meter from the rod and hang the end of the paperclip over the rod.
5. Add washers to the paperclip hook one at a time until the cart begins to move (it should take 1-3 washers). Carefully observe the speed of the cart as it moves along the table. Repeat 4-5 times and record the number of washers used each time.
6. Think about doubling or tripling on the cart by doubling or tripling the number of washers. Write your prediction down as a hypothesis.
7. Repeat step 5, but this time double the force by doubling the number of washers. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. Record your results.
8. Repeat step 7, but this time triple the number of washers used in step 5. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. Record your results.
Trial 1:
1. Moved a little, went at a slow speed.
2. Moved a lottle went slow again
3. moved father and hit the rod.
4. Moved at a faster speed and the washers hit the ground.
Trial 2:
1. Moved at a medium speed.
2. The cart moved at a medium speed it hit the rod.
3. The cart moved at a constant speed.
Trial 3:
1. The cat moved fast, the cart hit the rod.
2. The cart went faster and almost fell over the rod.
3. The cart fell off the table over the rod.
*The force use to increse the speed of an object quickly will be greater then the force use to increase the speed of an object slowly. My hypothesis was correct. Yes the force follows the formula.
objective: proving that by increasing the force on an object the acceleration of the object will increase also.
-steel rod
-paper clip
Hypothesis:When you add more washers, the speed of the cart increases.
Procedure: 1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of a table so that it s directly over the edge. This will act to reduce friction in the experiment.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long. Attach one end of the string to the Hall’s cart using a paper clip.
3. Open up a paper clip to form a loop on one end and a hook on the other. Tie the loop end of the paper clip to the free end of the string.
4. Put the cart on the table about ¾ of a meter from the rod and hang the end of the paper clip over the rod.
5. Add washers to the paper clip hook one at a time until the cart begins to move (it should take 1-3 washers). Carefully observe the speed of the cart as it moves along the table. Repeat 4-5 times and record the number of washers used each time.
6. Think about doubling or tripling on the cart by doubling or tripling the number of washers. Write your prediction down as a hypothesis.
7. Repeat step 5, but this time double the force by doubling the number of washers. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. Record your results.
8. Repeat step 7, but this time triple the number of washers used in step 5. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. Record your results.
Trial 1- Number of washers used: 3
Results: The cart moved a little distance at a slow speed.
Trial 2- Number of washers used: 4
Results: The cart moved a bit faster and traveled a greater distance.
Trial 3- Number of washers used: 5
Results: The cart moved faster and traveled a greater distance.
Trial 4- Number of washers used: 6
Results: The cart’s speed and distance greatly increased.
Trial 5- Number of washers used: 7
Results: The cart’s speed and distance steadily increased.
In conclusion I believe that the law is right in all ways possible. as we added more washers the speed or the red car we had increased its speed. even though the washers hit the floor we were still able to see the increase in its speed as it rolled down the table. Since we had the red car which is heavier then the original carts we had to used we needed more washers.
Physicist Tyesha Hall
Group Members
Ebony Williams
Rahmid Trotman
April 26, 2008
Objective: Increasing the force on an object increases the acceleration of an object.
Hypothesis: I believe that the cart will slowly move as the force increases.
Materials used
1. Hall’s Cart
2.100g mass
3. Paper clips
4. Washers
5. 1 meter long string
1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of a table so that it is directly over the edge. This will act to reduce friction in the experiment.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long. Attach one end of the string to the Hall’s cart using a paper clip.
3. Open up a paper clip to form a loop on one end and a hook on the other. Tie the loop end of the paper clip to the free end of the string.
4. Put the cart on the table about ¾ of a meter from the rod and hang the end of the paper clip over the rod. Put the 100g mass in the cart.
5. Add washers to the paperclip hook one at time until the cart begins to move (it should take at least 3-4 washers).Carefully observe the speed of the cart as it moves along the table. Repeat 4-5 times and record the number of washers used in each time.
6. Think about doubling or tripling the force on the car by doubling or tripling the number or washers.
7. Repeat step 5, but this time double the force by doubling the number of washers. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. How does the acceleration of the cart change when the forced is doubled? Record your results.
Procedure: 1. Cart moved a little
2. Cart did not move
3. The cart moved
4. The cart moved
Conclusion: 1. I think that it takes more force to move the car quickly then slowly. My hypothesis was correct because as the force increased the acceleration increased. Yes the force is required the cart because as the force increase the acceleration increase. This applies to real life applications because when you apply more force to a car it takes more force to accelerate. Nothing went wrong in my lab and I wouldn’t change anything. In actual life when enough force is exerted on an object the object will travel at a fast and steady distance until the force is removed.
Objective: To prove that invreasing the force on an object increases the acceleration of the object.
Hypothesis: I think that once you put thw washers on it'll start to move slowly and the more you put on the faster it'll go. I think that the acceleration will also increase.
Materials Used:
1 meter string
Trial 1- 3 washers used
Result: cart moves little distance/ slow speed
Trial 2- 4 washers used
Result: cart moves a little faster/ traveled a larger distance
Trial 3- 5 washers used
Result: cart moves faster and speeds up/ greater distance
Trial 4- 6 washers used
Result: the cart moved even more fast
Trial 5- 7 washers used
Result: moves fast and at a steady paste
1. The speed of the cart changes because each time you add a washer it goes faster and faster.
2. I think that the acceleration of the cart will also increase because it does the samething that the acceleration or force or any other thing.
Force and Acceleration
Experiment #5
Objective: The objective of this experiment was to use Newton’s second law first and determine the increasing force on an object.
Hypothesis: I think that the halls cart is going to move the first time while being pulled by one washer. I believe it’s going to move in a forward direction but slowly. I predict that the acceleration of the cart will change when the force is doubled. The acceleration of the cart as the forces increase will drastically move the cart.
Materials: Tape, a steel rod, string, a hall’s cart, paper clip, 100 gram mass, washers, and rulers.
Procedure: 1. Tape the steel rode to the edge of the table so that it is directly over the edge. This will act to reduce friction in the experiment.
2. cut a piece of string 1 meter long. Attach one end of the string to the halls cart using the paper clip.
3. Open up a paperclip to form a loop on one end and a hook on the other. Tie the loop in of the paper clip to the free end of the string.
4. Put the cart on the table about ¾ of a meter from the rod and hang the end of the paperclip over the rod. Put the 100g mass in the cart.
5. Add washers to the paper clip hook one at a time until the cart begins to move (it should take1-3). Carefully observe the speed of the cart as it moves along the table. Repeat 4 to 5 times and record the number of washers use each time. How does the speed of the cart change as it moves?
6. Think about doubling or tripling the force on the cart by doubling or tripling the number of washers. What will happen to the acceleration of the cart as the force increase? Write your prediction down as a hypothesis.
7. Repeat step 5, but this time double the force by doubling the number of the washers. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. How does the acceleration of the cart change when force is doubled? Record your results.
8. Repeat step 7, but this time triple the number of washers used in step 5. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. How does the acceleration of the cart change when the force is tripled? Record your results?
9. Analyze your results. Which takes more force, to accelerate the cart slowly or quickly? Was your hypothesis correct? Is the force required to accelerate the cart proportional to rate of acceleration, as stated in Newton’s second law? Record your conclusions in your notebook.
Data: The speed of the hall’s cart
Trial 1 Move a little bit.
Trial 2 It didn’t move.
Trial 3 Moved.
Trial 4 It moved a lot.
Conclusion: I think it takes more force to accelerate the cart slowly than quickly. My hypothesis was correct and I predicted that it was going to move slowly in a forward direction so my hypothesis was correct. Yes the force required to accelerate the carts proportional to the rate of acceleration, and stated in Newton’s second law. I learned Newton’s second law better I also learned that a force required to accelerate a object will increase. Again we didn’t have too many problems. My data states that the hall’s cart moved the majority of the time. I think this experiment could be as a real world application because if a truck and a car was racing down a hill one is going to accelerate faster the one that bigger and weights more.
Force and Acceleration
Experiment #5
Objective: The objective of this experiment was to use Newton’s second law first and determine the increasing force on an object.
Hypothesis: I think that the halls cart is going to move the first time while being pulled by one washer. I believe it’s going to move in a forward direction but slowly. I predict that the acceleration of the cart will change when the force is doubled. The acceleration of the cart as the forces increase will drastically move the cart.
Materials: Tape, a steel rod, string, a hall’s cart, paper clip, 100 gram mass, washers, and rulers.
Procedure: 1. Tape the steel rode to the edge of the table so that it is directly over the edge. This will act to reduce friction in the experiment.
2. cut a piece of string 1 meter long. Attach one end of the string to the halls cart using the paper clip.
3. Open up a paperclip to form a loop on one end and a hook on the other. Tie the loop in of the paper clip to the free end of the string.
4. Put the cart on the table about ¾ of a meter from the rod and hang the end of the paperclip over the rod. Put the 100g mass in the cart.
5. Add washers to the paper clip hook one at a time until the cart begins to move (it should take1-3). Carefully observe the speed of the cart as it moves along the table. Repeat 4 to 5 times and record the number of washers use each time. How does the speed of the cart change as it moves?
6. Think about doubling or tripling the force on the cart by doubling or tripling the number of washers. What will happen to the acceleration of the cart as the force increase? Write your prediction down as a hypothesis.
7. Repeat step 5, but this time double the force by doubling the number of the washers. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. How does the acceleration of the cart change when force is doubled? Record your results.
8. Repeat step 7, but this time triple the number of washers used in step 5. Observe the speed and acceleration of the cart carefully. Repeat several times. How does the acceleration of the cart change when the force is tripled? Record your results?
9. Analyze your results. Which takes more force, to accelerate the cart slowly or quickly? Was your hypothesis correct? Is the force required to accelerate the cart proportional to rate of acceleration, as stated in Newton’s second law? Record your conclusions in your notebook.
Data: The speed of the hall’s cart
Trial 1 Move a little bit.
Trial 2 It didn’t move.
Trial 3 Moved.
Trial 4 It moved a lot.
Conclusion: I think it takes more force to accelerate the cart slowly than quickly. My hypothesis was correct and I predicted that it was going to move slowly in a forward direction so my hypothesis was correct. Yes the force required to accelerate the carts proportional to the rate of acceleration, and stated in Newton’s second law. I learned Newton’s second law better I also learned that a force required to accelerate a object will increase. Again we didn’t have too many problems. My data states that the hall’s cart moved the majority of the time. I think this experiment could be as a real world application because if a truck and a car was racing down a hill one is going to accelerate faster the one that bigger and weights more.
Physicist Marquisa Howard
group Members Pyhsicist Blair Robinson & James Fisher
Objects In Motion
Objective: To find the outcome of a object when a force when is increasing.
Hypothesis: I believe that the more washers you ad the more the cart will move.
Materials Used: Tape, Steel Rod, Table, Ruler, String, Cart, Paper clip, washers.
1. Tape the steel rod to the edge of the table.
2. Cut a piece of string 1 meter long.
3. Attach one end of the string to the Hall's cart and the other end with the paper clip.
4. Put the cart on the table about 3/4 of a meter from the rod and hang the paperclip over the rod reaching the ground.
5. Put the 100 gram mass into the cart.
6. Add washers to the end of the paperclip each trial.
1. One washer addead didn't move.
2. Doubled with slow and litle movement.
3. Doubled again and moved twice as much in 2 trial.
4. Doubled again and cart moved even faster and went over the rod.
5. Doubled again same motion as trial 5.
My hypothesis was right everytime another washer was added the cart move faster each time. When the washers was doubled and tripled the cart moved to the rod quicker.
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