In the words of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, "There is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. You have a moral responsibility to be intelligent."
Your assignment is this simple: You are to compose a clear, concise 5 paragraph essay AGREEING or DISAGREEING with this quote. You are to utilize the methods taught to you in M. Shakae's class regarding the 5 paragraph essay and 3 POINT THESIS, INCLUDING supporting details. This essay is due by the close of the day on Friday, March 28th.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
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There are things people go through in life everyday some may be good and some may bad. An educated person is more eligible to make it in the real world because of responsibility, not being careless and determined to make it in life. Letting other people know you don’t care it makes them look down on you. Right now for African Americans all we have is education or we are not considered intelligent. No matter what you have been through you don’t have to show ignorance. Yes I do agree with Dr. Martin Luther King.
Dr. Martin Luther King made a valid point in his quote. Every young person should read this and know it and understand it. We should really think about his quote. Fist important point was responsibility. Being responsible can turn you into a intelligent person but at the same time you learn a lot more about life. Getting through school is also a responsibility. No one said that being responsible is easy but there are things you have to do but you might not want to do them.
The second important point was conscientious stupidity. Conscientious stupidity is when someone does something that is not appropriate but they know what they are doing is wrong. For example you know that you are supposed to go to school everyday and you decide that you are going to stay home almost everyday. That is being careless and not caring about your future. That’s letting the white man win.
The third point that was touched on was moral responsibility. Moral responsibility is taking one challenges that will make you successful in anything you do. Having a moral responsibility does make you intelligent. It also makes you feel good about yourself. Knowing that you are successful and not being careless makes a lot of things easier in your life believe it or not.
In conclusion Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that quote because he wants his people and everybody else to know ignorance is not the key. Be successful and moral responsibility is the answer everything else can wait.
With the say if you know that you have the responsibiy to do right in life why would you make the choice to make the wrong miskist .
Responsibiy is a word of choice ,eveyday in the morning you have the responsibiy to make a good or a bad choice. What is miss understnd by me is why most people go for that bad .Resonsibily is one of the most vale things in life but you have a choice to be responibly in life.
Why in life is it that most peolpe make the wrong choices. Dr Matin Luther King had a saying why do wrong when you can have the choice to do good in life. For an example your saying your going to fight . well if you are
resonponbily in life then you will make the rigth choice and make a
responsibily choice and just keep going on about your business.
Dr Martin luther king had another vale poin in life which was conscientious stupidy . What is consecientious stupidt when person know that there doing wrong .for and example ypu know that you should not call out form work five time everyday. This just show that your careless of what you do in life .
To summurize my final statements always remember that you have the vale choice in life to make the right decised so make the right one .
When you read this quote what do you think of? When I read it I think of how the world is falling apart. The quote is “here is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. You have a moral responsibility to be intelligent."This quote is by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. himself. Also I think that its trying to tell us something. Its trying to tell us to be a better person and not regret what you get as a privilege.
I agree with the quote because when you really look, it is your responsibility to be intelligent. It is no one else's responsibility to get the intelligence you need but you. Its like America is falling behind academically and its your responsibility to do what you need to do to succeed in this world so that you don't get left behind in this economy. To tell you the truth sometimes I think America is the slowest country. That's only what I think about this place.
Its also your responsibility because if you don't, you'll get nothing out of life. And trust me when I say no one wants to become a bum. Intelligence is the key to succeeding in this world. I've always heard the saying “Knowledge is power.” That's the best quote ever heard in my life. Not being intelligent is like not having a lung and you can't go without that. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made a valid point because he knew the things that were needed to succeed in this world.
To close up this exciting quote I only have a few things to say. If your gonna be stupid at least be smart about it. Succeed in life so that you can be what ever you want.
Everyone in life has goals and achievements and with all this come responsibilities. Owning up to your biggest mistakes is hard at first but learning how to deal with it helps. They say what you do to someone come back around to you. To out smart ignorance’s and stupidity learning ways around it, teaching others, and do not be the standard set the standard show ways around ignorance and stupidity.
When making a mistake and someone sees your mistakes they sit back and say to you how many times you will make the same mistake. They also say the first time you made the mistake you should learn from it. What ways can you go about learning for it? Building upon your mistakes to make them correct is one way and just thinking before acting is the best way for the bad habits to go away.
Teaching everyone what you learned helps you feel better as a person. You learn from your ignorance and stupidity so when you see someone doing those things why not share your valuable information. A better person is what everyone is targeting for and the best way showing it off is in the best way you can.
Good things toward people makes you feel like a better person because it shows that you’re moving forward and away from the ignorance. When doing things it makes you stand out not in with the party is what in want to be. Applying this in your everyday life changes your way in the person with the ignorance and your stupidity is gone. After seeing your growth you learn that there is ways to handle things and teaches you what it really means about stupidity.
Intelligent is what everyone expect of you. People who you like to be around and that you can be yourself with to them you have some type of intelligent towards them. Owning up and taking responsibilities is what not only you look for but what people who care and who's around you expect of you.
Moral......Responsibility Today our socity is becoming more and more unknowlegdable. I believe when Dr. Martain King spoke he spoke about black people, he wanted black people to get better and be better people to ourcommunity. our Community is becomeing a disgrace to the wolrld as an whole. Our socity is a society were if you don't dio the right thing then you are not respected. Ding the right thing is our duty as the people of the state that consits of respectfellness to our peers and adults. Helping out the community that we live in.
It is our duty a young teens to always be respectful to people who in authority. As young teens we know how to act and when to act that way. If we don't be respectful to the peole we are supposed to be respectfulto than it makes our parnets look bad like they didn't teach us how to be respectful. When people are disrespectful to others who are trying to help them it just shows a sign of ingnorance on ourselves. Well never get anything in life.
When you try to help people you live with, near, or even around you are doing the right thing. When you pass someone in the street who is less fortunate, then you, if you have do for them. Don't be selfish it just looks as if you are only looing out for youir self.
In this day in age, people have a mind set that they should only thing aout themseleves. But really to survive you need other people. Today people kill one anohter is defintily not the correct way to live.
In conclusion to do the right doesn't just mean in the way you talk, but also to do right by the people in your community. So therefore, Dr. king was right when he said," There is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious studpitiy. You have a moral responsibility to br intellegent."
What comes to mind when you read what Dr.King said? First thing i think of is that people need to show respect for others. In the quote they mention " conscientious stupidty the word consceintious means controlled by or done according to conscience. Everyone in this world has or once had a goal in life whether they made there goal or not is dependent on how they valued there education. The part about moral responsibility to be intelligent is true because it your own fault if you dont value your education.
Those who dont value there education are those who do not make it in life. Those whom are stupid most definetly do not make it in life. If you act ignorant towards people everyone will view you as a ignorant person.
Responsibility is a choice that you make. Everyday u choose whether or not your day is will be good or bad.Forever we walk among ignorance and stupidity! I agree with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr because sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity is very dangerous because when someone unaware of or when they know they are doing something stupid it affects the society.When you are around negative people it may ware off on you!
Sometimes I wonder why would people choose to be ignorant and stupid when they have the ability to be intelligent. I think that no matter what you go through in life you don't have to be ignorant and you don't have to show stupidity. You can come from a bad background and have intelligence. This is also dangerous because with ignorance and stupidity you will most likely gent no where in life.
Conscientious stupidity is when one does wrong and they know they are doing wrong and they still continue to do it.This can also be very dangerous because it gives yourself and your society and your family a bad name. Having a lack of knowledge and intelligence can be dangerous because it can result in losing people that we may need for real life situations. For example if Doctors didn't have knowledge or intelligence we would be messed up or dead!
Why choose to do wrong when you are capable of doing right.I believe that this is an important quote because being an responsible person can change your life in many good ways.
I agree with the quote in many ways. But then again I disagree with the quote. Everyone has responsibilities but being intelligent is not one of them. Even if intelligence was a responsibility a lot of people wouldn’t come close to being it. Which leaves us with some people are not smart, some people don’t want to be smart, and some people just don’t care
Yes there are a lot of people that are not intelligent. Intelligence in being smart is almost the same thing. So how could a moral responsibility be intelligence? When half of the world is not smart. That’s making a person have a responsibility when you know the can’t achieve.
By intelligence being a moral responsibility a lot of people will fill as if they have not succeeded. In doing all that they needed to do. Even if intelligence is a great thing and every one should be it. There will always be a few that are not.
Then on the other hand some people don’t even care about intelligence. So by making it a responsibility it will just make it worst. Some people know there not smart and they won’t try to work on it. Once something is in someone head you cant change it.
So Intelligence should not be a moral responsibility. Most likely the responsibility will be ignored. No one will care about no responsibilities. In a lot of people will have less respect towards each other.
What comes to mind when you read what Dr.King said? First thing i think of is that people need to show respect for others. In the quote they mention " conscientious stupidty the word consceintious means controlled by or done according to conscience. Everyone in this world has or once had a goal in life whether they made there goal or not is dependent on how they valued there education. The part about moral responsibility to be intelligent is true because it your own fault if you dont value your education.
Those who dont value there education are those who do not make it in life. Those whom are stupid most definetly do not make it in life. If you act ignorant towards people everyone will view you as a ignorant person.
Its also your responsibility because if you have no values in life you'll get nothing out of life.Nobody would like to be living on the streets. Intelligence a thing everyone needs to succed. Not being intelligent is mostly wasting your life. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made a valid point because he knew the things that were needed to succeed in this world.
The third point that i talked about was moral responsibility. Moral responsibility is having and acheiving goals that will make you successful in life. Having a moral responsibility makes intelligent people. It also makes confident that you will do good in life. Knowing that you are successful and not being careless makes a lot of things easier in your life believe it or not.
I believe that everyone has a moral rsponsibility. That's because every one is responsible for there actions. You should just use common sense for you to do that. Being responsibile is something that you shouldnt take as ignorance.
The case of conscientious stupidity is just the case of you being ignorant, and continuing doing it is uneceptable/
I agree with Dr.King not knowing about what wrong and right is a dangerous thing. It is your job to know whats right from wrong. It is also your parents job to make sure you know how to make accurate decisions. If you do stupid things and make stupid decisions that your fault.
People know what the right thing is to do and what the wrong thing is to do. So when a person goes and do something dumb they not only make a fool of themselves but there making their race look stupid .
Dr. Martin L. King Jr., stated "There is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. You have a moral responibility to be intelligent." I have to agree with this because ignorance is rude, disrespectful, and you are suppose to show intelligence.
First, a type of sincere ignorance is being rude. Being rude is a sign of immaturity, that shows that you need to grow up. Also, pure ignorance is not showing respect to your peers like you are suppose to.
In addition, being disrespectful is a sign of stupidity. Being disrespectful is a terrible thing to achieve in life. Also, it displays no home training.
Next, showing intelligence is a good thing to do. Intelligence is many different things. Intelligence is how you present yourself, and how you show respect to your fellow peers.
In conclusion, i would have to agree with the quote that Dr. Martin L. King Jr. had stated years ago.
Dr. Martin Luther is amongst one of the most intelligent men in the world. It’s fair for me to say that his words are powerful especially the statement, he made is one of the most powerful statements in the world. I agree with this statement because, it has a purpose is morally right and values our intelligent
We all have a purpose, no matter what others think and say we are all capable of anything. By Dr. King allowing others to hear these words he made it clear that we all have a purpose. I am almost certain that every body in this world have a purpose that they need to succeed at; if they are not knowledgeable they could possibly be a danger to the society.
It is morally right that we keep ourselves from being bluntly ignorant it is just a lack of self- respect, by all means that is unacceptable for us, let alone the world. I think that being responsible shows and act maturity and when becoming mature, you show that you lack the ignorance that others who haven’t matured have. So morally you should be capable of letting the ignorance stay on the inside instead of letting it show.
Valuing your intelligence is one of the most important things that we can do, education should be valued. Valuing your education is the most important thing that anybody can do. I think that without education u has no future. We and as many know we are the future so valuing are education is the most important thing that we can do.
Ultimately I do think that the words that Dr. King spoke were accurate just because, education should be valued, we have the moral right not to be ignorant and if u are ignorant about anything u should take the risk and began to learn about it. And we all have a purpose in this world, without these three qualities I’m not sure if a person can succeed
"There is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. You have a moral responsibility to be intelligent."
Is what Legend Dr. Martin Luther King quoted in one of his famous speeches. Manyt times I believe ignorance fulfilled different communties. Most of the times stupidity can put you in a bad situation and 30% of the time in a good situation. Usually having a low selesttem, using ignorant and stupidty terms can effect: your community, your family and most of the time your school.
Dr.King specifically stated that there is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity meaning that the world is nothing but hatred and aggression. Many people that have such these mean personialty effects their communityies. How? That's an excellent question. Look around what happen everday. I can answer that people are hurting each other, disrespecting one's property and don't have no respect for any including theirselves. Examples: Loitering, Back talk to adults, killing one another and so one.
Many times I wonder how do Dr.King's proffesional quote have an impact on families. You shold know this one. Lying, back stabbing and so much more.
In the school enviroment stupidity is major. Many children and some adults tends to have a different in school then out of school. Many kids act has though they do not have to respect anybody. But little do they know they do.
Dr.Martin Luther King jr qoute is precisely and well organized. IOt exampkes how we has American ar livinh.
I agrree with the quote by Dr. Martin Luther King because every one in the world have a responsibility to do something in life no matter what it is, being ignorant to your moral responsibility in life is just be studorn and ignorant to what ever you should do or who ever you weren going to do it for.
This quote is saying someone should respect and do what ever they have to do in life because haveing a responsibility to do saome thing and not do it. People would not get there jod done and they will end up failing in the task thats given or in life . Dr. Martin Luther King made a valid point in his quote. As young people we should really think about his quote. Fist important point is responsibility. Being responsible can turn you into a intelligent person but at the same time you learn a lot more about your life. Getting through school is also a responsibility. No one said that being responsible is easy but there are things you have to do that you may not what to do at time but you just have to keep your head up.
Its also your responsibility because if you don't, you'll get nothing out of life. And trust me when I say no one wants to become a bum. Intelligence is the key to succeeding in this world. I've always heard the saying “Knowledge is power.” That's the best quote ever heard in my life. Not being intelligent is like not having a lung and you can't go without that. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made a valid point because he knew the things that were needed to succeed in this world.
I smmerize my passage by saying that every one should take on what ever they do in life with ba smile and there face and there heads up. Life is all about the chouses you make so make yours and succed at what ever you do in life. Things may gett hard at times but no matter what ever you do what ever you put in is what you will get out. life is the liimmet so strive for the best.
When it comes to the world and everyones different views, there should be no ignorance. Nor should there be conscientious stupidity. This is because both of these tools are powerful enough to cause destruction. Feeding off bad energy and starting mixed emotions. So i agree that people should know what's right because they never know who they'll meet, how they'll react, or what they can do for you. Say a woman/man comes in your presents.
They accidentally bump in to you. How do you react not know who they are? They could be a Doctor, a Lawyer, or even a Director. On the other hand they could be a robber, a killer, or a terrorist. So how do you act in a manner of disrespect to a person that you dont know. Also, You dont What they are going through and are unprepared for their reaction.
A person can react in over millions of ways by how you say, move, or apporach them. So why give them more reasons to want to fight, hurt, or even kill someone for you being disrespectful. They could cause harm to others, to themselves, or even you. So do you wanna be the reason people die because you wanted to be disrespectful? Is it fair to the others to suffer cause of you. Now think if that is someone in the office you walk in.
They see you and remeber there incounter with you that one time. If you are there for a job and now that stanger holds your chances of the job in their hand. If you were respectable in the crossing of paths he may lean in your favor. On the other side of the coin, if you acted in a disrespectful manner they wont listen to any thing you have to say. Now you are out of a job because you showed no respect.
As you can see i agree because you never know who you'll meet, how they'll react, or what they can do for you. It take nothing but a little respect and you can go far. Not saying let people walk over you, but don't just jump on the first reaction. Think because you never no what can happen from being respectful. So try it next time you fell like snapping.
The world is made up of three types of people; there are people who are blatantly ignorant of the world and what’s happening around them, there are people who constantly do things that are stupid with the complete knowledge of their actions, and there are people with worldly knowledge and remarkable moral upstanding. When you think about the thread that holds of society together and the very fabric that a society is made of you realize that everyone molds together. Sure the world would be better if people made better decisions but in the world we live in it’s almost considered to be impossible. The world is dangerous. The world is an utter dystopia. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, "There is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. You have a moral responsibility to be intelligent." This is a very valid point considering the level of violence that is caused everyday by someone’s stupid decision, the youth’s inability to watch the news and see what’s going on, and the lack of worldly knowledge that most people have.
Everyday when the news comes on it is generally watched by adults. Children don’t feel obligated to watch the news and see what’s going on around them. It’s shameful considering the multitude of events that occur everyday. The sincere ignorance of word issues is appalling.
It is apparent that events occur everyday. Someone is arrested everyday because they robbed a bank, shot somebody or killed someone. Things that don’t need to occur do because of conscientious stupidity. The world needs people to have more morals and be respectful of one another. That is nearly impossible today.
Not everybody, but some people don’t even know what occurred in a different section of their city let alone what is happening in Iraq or what’s happening with the presidential election. It is so sad to see people at awe when they see things happen that they could have predicted if they just watched the news.
Like Martin Luther King Jr. said There is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. You have a moral responsibility to be intelligent." This is so true. Like I stated before there are three types of people. Which one are you?
Everyday life is filled with suprises, different obstacles and most importantly decisions, there are some people who are able to make their own decisions and ones who aren't but the decision you make will determine the road you will take and in the real world if you don't have an education you are looked at as if you are unintelligent and for some reason people think its uncool to be smart and or intelligent. I strongly gree with Dr Martin Luther king Jr. I think he made a vaild point i feel as thought if you dont take the path of being smart you will not be nothing in life and this effects everyone because if African Americans do not succeed in life there will not be any doctors, nurses actors etc...
In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."There is nothing in the world more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientiuos stupidity. You have a moral responaibility to be intelligent."
I strongly feel that there isn't anything in this world more dangerous than sincere ignorance, meaning that you sincerely do not know something. After reading this quote a couple of times and re-thinking it over not to mention coming from a legend such as Dr. King.
I stongly agree with that quote. For example if you were to go to a school far away from your residents and for instance you get jumped or robbed etc. you couldn't began to be able to tell the police where they lived, where they be at opposed to somebody that lived in the neigborhood which leads back to sincere ignorance in my opioion.
Inaddition to that Dr. King spoke on conscientious stupidity which means knowing and I juess just not caring. When I say knowing I mean there era people in this world we live in that completely understand and are knowledgeable of thier action and well beings but just don't care.
On top of that touching on the subject of responability and intelligence. Yes I do agree that anyone has a moral responability to be intelligent. Weather they use it or not is up to them. If people make a lot of smarter decisions yes the world would be a better place be in reality considering that's almost impossble and not to mention a waist of time.
Ultimately I feel like Dr. King made a vaild point thoughout that quote that I couldnt agure with. With only using like two sentences it was so powerful, his words the most stood out to me. He gave me a different insight on things in the quote that made me think about and I learned some too.
I think that when reading this quote, to me it's saying that other cultures stereotype black people now because when we are acting ignorant that's doing nothing but proving them right. African Americansn are always complaining and saying how sick and tired they are for being stereotyped and talked about, but their the ones who do it to themselves.
When Dr. Martin Luther King said that being ignorant is dangerous and that we have a responsibility to be intelligent he meant that we waste so much time with being ignorant that we do not realize how intelligent we really are. We waste our time and energy on taking up for our own race that we don't actually stop, take the time and listen. I agree with this quote because we are a minority here in the U.S.A, we always have negative stereotypes against us and we aren't stupid and ignorant people.
If your an child, teenager or adult then you need to read this quote because even though it doesn't mention your name, but there talking about you too. There was a movie called Crash and it was a part in the movie where Terrance Howard and Ludacris were arguing and Terrance Howard said to him, "Your not embarassing me, your embarassing yourself" and what he meant by that was Terrance Howard was half white, so Ludacris wouldn't be embarassing him as much, he was embarassing himself because he was all black. Sometimes when things are said about your culture so much it just gets depressing and it makes you angry.
We aren't stupid and ignorant people some of us just don't have the positive figures in our life to show us the right way to go. But deep down we really are intelligent and samrt, just in our own ways. It is our job to be intelligent and responsible and prove those wrong who doubt us and think low of us.
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