Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Utopian Debate

This thread will allow you all to respond and debate with one another. You must not only respond to the question, but you must also respond to the comments that are on the blog. For this assignment you must respond to four comments that have been posted by your classmates.

Question: Should there be laws in a utopian society?


Brittany Anderson said...

No, i dont' beleive that there should be laws in the Utopian world..
Because if there was then it wouldn't be the perfect world that it was made out to be... and then every would fall apart.

Pastor DT Johnson said...

So if there are no laws and I like to steal and I lived in this society how would my victims be protected?

mvonna said...

i totally agree with brittany....

No, i do not believe that there should be laws in a Utopian society because if there was a Utopian society every thing would be perfect.

Pastor DT Johnson said...

So what happens if someone does something wrong? Are they banished? The question is are people able to live without doing wrong?

BIG TIFF 11-1 said...

I do not agree with no one any body said i think there should be an utopian law because maybe it will be a better world... less complication and harm and also fear.

Tiffany Witcher 11-1

Marquisa said...

i agree with vonna i think there should be no laws in a utopian world because utopian world is a perfect paradise so if its perfect there is not going to be no crimes so you wouldnt need laws

B.Roba said...

I have to disagree with Brittany. You need laws to keep things stable. Plus it would help create an Utopian Society, which is defined as "perfect". Standards of laws well help provide the perfect society. The laws that people will be living by would be acceptable to all. Human Rights would be the key of the laws. As in a way everything would be perfect structure.

Anonymous said...

If there are no laws your victims would not be protected because there is no legal document or laws stating that people should be protected or cared about helping

MONI3 said...
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Marquisa said...
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Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with blair because if there is no laws then your perfect world would fall about

Greg_B said...

I agree with Darren because with no laws people would do what they want when they want all of the time. It would be totally out of control and everything would crash.

MONI3 said...

There should not be laws in a Utopian society. The reason is because Utopia means a perfect world. If there is a perfect world you would not need any laws. If you like to steal in a Utopian world it would not be called that. It would be called Dystopia. Dystopia is characterized by disease, pollution, violence, theivory and human oppression. I agree with what Brittany said and Mvonna said. It is unnecessary to have laws when everything is already in order.

Pastor DT Johnson said...

Tiff so what happens if someone wants to do wrong? Can people be perfect?

B.Roba said...

If someone does something wrong there should be some type of action for what they done. Therefore they shouldnt be living in a Utopian society. That's because your putting no effort into having a perfect society. I believe that people are able to live without doing wrong, they would have to change there mind set around.

Faneesha said...

I agree with Brittany, if you live utopian society everything is perfect so why would you need laws if everything is already perfect.

MiiZZ TY3SHA said...


Pastor DT Johnson said...

Darren Why do you think that the society would fall apart?

B.Roba said...

The victims wouldn't be protected. That's because one thing/ person ruins it for everything/ everybody else. There is a system that goes on that flows.

Marquisa said...

no people cannot live without doing wrong but in a utopian society the people would just as perfect as the world

Greg_B said...

I disagree because sooner or later someone is steal, or kill. people do get ideas, and emotions. there will always be anger and hate somewhere.

Pastor DT Johnson said...

Ok everyone. Many of you are stating that there should be laws. What type of laws should there be? What should happen to people who breaks the law?

Anonymous said...

The society world would fall apart because there is no laws to keep it in place

John A Cuthbert said...

Yes I do believe that there should be a law in every society and especially in an Utopian society because it is an environment that you will like to live in. With out any law many thing will become miss up in your Utopian society and this would cause a big chaos. Brittany said it should and I don't agree because with out it everything would be crazy and cause mad confusion. Vonna said that there no law also an Utopian society should be perfect well there's always one that spoiled it for everyone. I agree with the 11 grade student when someone does wrong or and outsider comes and start cause things in the society then what.

Brittany Anderson said...

I diaagree with Big Tiff because if they had laws it would complicate things.. The world is already better so putting laws on people can and cannot do would make things difficult

MiiZZ TY3SHA said...


Greg_B said...

I agree because thats what I've been saying the whole time

BIG TIFF 11-1 said...

to 11th grade..

well if you read and defienwhat a utopia society is. ity is usually a peaceful society most people have respect for most people. now that is true if no laws then u can steal... but nothing else

B.Roba said...

When I stated that laws should be based around human rights. On how you live, what u think, your actions, and your mindset. All those things should be based around the laws of the utopian society. If you break the rules, you no longer exist in the society.

BIG TIFF 11-1 said...

sike naw big tiff lied there should be laws but certain laws should be abloished.. sum not necassary

BIG TIFF 11-1 said...

Laws are made for things to be rite nd peaceful... most people do not follow them but most of the time people do..

Inae said...

Inae Johnson 11-1

1. Should there be laws in utopian society?
Answer: I believe that there should be law in a utopian society the reason why is because if there are law in a utopian society then the world will be better ,but if there where know laws in the a utopian society than people will do what they want to do in life .

2. So what happen if someone does something wrong? Are they banished? The question is people able to live without doing wrong.
Answer: Know because in my utopian society there will be law in the will have to be obey by.

3. So if there are know law and I like to steal and I live in this society how will any victims be protected.
Answer: In my society world there will be laws so there will be on reason why no one should feel unsafe.

Inae said...

Inae Johnson


1. I so agree with big tiff because there should be laws in the utopian society.
2. I also agree with b Robe. Because you need laws so things can be stable.
3. I so agree with Darren because with out no laws our people will be unsafe and in a utopian society very one should be safe a feel protected.
4. sorry to say this but I do not agree with Brittany because if we have a utopian society an our people want to do anything they want then will be no need for an utopian society.

mvonna said...

so now we are dealing with reality (there will never be a utopian society).People are not perfect but people are not able to live without doing something wrong.Iif someone does something wrong its not a utopian society.

mvonna said...

i agree with tiff because all laws are not needed but some people do not have as much sense as they should.

mvonna said...

What if it stil was a utopian society and some people just need guidence? What should be done?

Brianna J. said...

I agree with Tiffany and Greg. In order to achieve a "Perfect" society it must be laws set in place to keep people in order and maintain the perfect society that is a utopia. Without laws that govern the people and keep things in order the society would eventually fall apart and chaos and confusion would ensue.

YaSmine said...

I believe that there should be laws. Without laws there will be alot of violence and crime. That wouldn't be a ideal society.

John A Cuthbert said...

I agree with Tiffany say that there should be laws because there should be a better world.

MiiZZ TY3SHA said...

I have to agree with Tiffany because making laws can be a good thing because it can bring order and it can eliminate fear and everyone can and will be protected.

John A Cuthbert said...

I aslo agree with Greg because thing can get out of hand then what.

Pastor DT Johnson said...

Ok so 75% of you believer that there should be laws. What type of laws would you have? If you institute laws does that make it a regular society?

MiiZZ TY3SHA said...


YaSmine said...

I agree with Tiffany! What if there wasn't any laws. People would be just doing what ever they wanted. There would be more unhappy people then happy people. Then there would be no point of the whole Utopian soceity.

Greg_B said...

I think it should be a law that if you do a crime then you get booted out of the Utopian society. It should also be a no gun policy in it too.

B.Roba said...

The laws wouldn't make it a regular society. If it was a regular society it wouldn't be a Utopian society. Therefor there would be laws that would be accustomed to how things go about. It would make it one of a kind.

Rahmid said...

I agree with John because without laws the world would be a mess because people would do whatever they wanted to do.

Faneesha said...

Well if they were to catch you stealing I think that you should be banned, where you couldn't live there anymore, you would have to live somewhere else.

MONI3 said...

OK, the people that said that you would need laws said it would make the environment better. The environment wouldn't need to be better if it was already a utopian society. However, you would definatly need laws if it was a dystopian world.

Greg_B said...

I agree with faneesha

Faneesha said...

I don't think you can live without doing wrong because that mean they would be perfect and no one is, but I think that if you do do wrong then you hve to suffer the consequences. So basically I think you should be banned.

Brianna J. said...

The type of laws that should be instituted should be laws that state there is a penalty for people who disrupt the utopia. Any society is not completely perfect because people aren't perfect, everyone makes mistakes, and as long as human beings inhabit any society, even a utopia, laws need to be there to maintain a certain level of order and obedience.

mvonna said...

Now I'm thinking that laws will be needed because it can't be a utopia society without laws because it will never work out without laws.

Anonymous said...


Greg_B said...

To tell you the truth I don't even think a Utopian society can be done. Thats because no matter what you do there will be phyco's, crazy people, and other things that will mess it up.

Faneesha said...

If someone wants to do wrong I think that they need to talk to someone or thinking it through clearly. NO ONE IS PERFECT.

John A Cuthbert said...

There should be laws that imply to what we go by today if we live in a good society does not mean that people would follow them.

James "Map" Fisher said...

There should be a No Tolerance act on weapons, and drugs. that means the ones tha kills. Also there should be a laws to make everyone equal no matter there rank in society.

John A Cuthbert said...

I agree with Greg in some way but what is the punshiment is that going to do.

Greg_B said...

Who's Map?????

John A Cuthbert said...

I also agree with map and that would makes a better utopian society.

Faneesha said...

There wouldn't need to be laws because it's utopian society.

Rahmid said...

If there were no laws there would be various crimes that would be commited without a punishment.

YaSmine said...

I don't think laws make a regular society. Laws help control the communities. If there were no laws our society would be worst. In we need for it to get better not worst. So laws would be best it a utopia society.

James "Map" Fisher said...

If you dont punish for wrongful acts whats from stopping them from doing it again?

Inae said...

Inae Johnson

Answer: I believe that there should be laws and the type of law there should be is band fight and there should be an early curfew so there will be last fights and the streets will be safer for our youth.

Greg_B said...
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YaSmine said...

I agree with James! If you don't punish a person for committing a crime. They will feel it's ok to do what ever they want. Then the whole ideal of a utopia society will be changed.

Greg_B said...

I agree with James because if there is no reaction to bad actions then it will happen again.

Rahmid said...

I agree with Yasmine because laws help communities and without laws the world would be worse than what it already is.

ebony said...

I agree with what Tiffany said there should be laws in the utopia society because to reiteratee what she said, I believe it would be less complications no harm, no violence and fear if there were laws.Utopia means perfect you can not live a perfect society with out laws thats just what I think.

B.Roba said...
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B.Roba said...
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Greg_B said...

is this jawn over??

ebony said...

Victims wouldn't be protected and the only way they would is if there were laws.Which leads me to agree to have laws because I don't
like violence,drugs and just problems in general.

ebony said...

I disagree with what Brittany said I just feel like there just has to be some type of set rules and or laws point blank. Brittany doesn't think that there wouldn't be a perfect society that it was made out to be, but to comment on that nothing is prefect so for it to be a better society it needs laws.

Queen of the Tech said...

Yes. There should be very strick laws in a utopian world because if someone want the perfect world to live in there have to be law to fallow so the world would stay perfect.

I do not agree with Brittany Anderson because if there is not laws to fallow there would not be a perfect world because every one would go around doing what ever they want without thinking about the consiquence of there actions.

I agree with what B.roba because if u do not have laws every thing would fall apart because people would go around liveing for today and not tomarrow satisfaction.

Brianna J. said...

I think that people who do wrong should be banished because holding prisoners just takes money away from honest citizens. People should be able to walk anywhere at any time and not feel threatened in a utopia. If someone commits a crime and is found guilty of that crime they should be banished to an island somewhere instead of taking up space to build jails they should be used to build places that all honest hard working citizens can utilize...

James "Map" Fisher said...

SO that fact remains there is no peace without

B.Roba said...
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Faneesha said...

Well if you made laws crime would still happen, so to me either way it's probably going to be a lose lose situation.

MiiZZ TY3SHA said...

Since Utopia means a place or sate of ideal perfection they will not need laws because everything is perfect!

Brittany Anderson said...

If there were no laws and people like you liked to steal... then wouldn't live among those people... they do have morals and certain things just don't fly... so you would be living on the street if you like to steal

Brianna J. said...

I disagree with Brittany people shouldn't be living on the street if they stole because they can steal if they're on the street, I believe it would make more sense if they were simply relocated somewhere outside of the "utopia"