Friday, May 23, 2008

Utopian Reflections

Reflect on your experiences while creating the Utopian Society. What were some of the problems that you encountered with working with the other groups. Compare and contrast the Utopian society that was created by the 11th grade to the United States.
Your response needs to be written in the five paragraph essay format with a thesis statement and conclusion. Please proof read and spellcheck your work before you post.


B.Roba said...

Some of the problems that we encountered while creating the Utopian Society werent that major. With money in some situations we didn't have enough for things we needed. Or some things were to expensive for use to buy. In a result it would put us in a whole with our budget.

As well how we werent able to get some things that we needed. My group had our ups and downs on how we will decide how we will spend our money. Prices were outrages for a lot of things and we tried our best to level with some better outcomes. As well how stable our foundations would be, and the structure of it.

Although we started pulling together we still had our problems. On how we are going to be connected to the other groups. What groups will help us/ serve us the things we need.

I believe that our Utopian society doesn't relate to the United States. That's because our society is perfect. Meaning no problems of anything. With the United states we have so many problems.

There fore it is un able to relate our Utopian society with America. As well our Society is completly differnt from America

Greg_B said...

While creating this Utopian society I noticed that it has very hard decision involved. We had to choose things that took time to choose. We also had to biuld everybodies biuldings. we had a problem figuring out how to fit the biuldings on to the map we made but thats about it.

Anonymous said...

Some of the problems that my group had with the other groups were that when building the hospitals and centers for the utopian society the bank did not want to give us enough money to build our buildings.

Also with our utopian society it is much different from the uniteds states because our population is not as high as it is in the united states. Plus, in our utopian society everyone will get along with each other unlike it is shown in the united states.

On top of that, some of the things that can be compared between the united states and our utopian society is how we will try to promote no violence to our people.

In addition, with working with the other groups some of the problems that were encountered was a lot of arguing and debating because everyone did not see eye to eye on everything that was going to be shaping our utopian society.

In conclusion, the utopian society ideas when presented to the 11th grade seemed to be okay and almost everyone gave good feed back or gave some type opinion on how to make that part of the society better.

BIG TIFF 11-1 said...

Creating an utopian society is frustrating. Comparing and Constrasting different ideas. Also, difefernt groups had to be paired up with other groups and it was hgard to come up with ideas that other groups didnt agree on.

It is alot of decision that everyone had to agree on and it was hard because certain thing was corny.

My group was okay but the attitude's was a litle bit outrageous. I like it was fun..

MiiZZ TY3SHA said...

Creating a Utopian Society was verry fun, but at the sam etime very diffucuilt. My group encountered so many problems forexample, we had to figure out how the school will be ran. We also encounterd problems with ideas and how much money we will have.differnt groups had to be paired up with our groups because we really couldnt come up with an idea unless we checked with the otheer group. forexamplw we wanted to decide when ther would be breaks for children so we had to check with the culture grouo to see what are holidays and so on.