Friday, March 7, 2008

5 Paragraph essay on a Utopian Society

Post your 5 paragraph essay here for your year long project.


BIG TIFF 11-1 said...
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BIG TIFF 11-1 said...


Dystoian is the oppsosite of something good. This can lead up to diffent effects. Such harmful thoughts. This can put an effect one's society. It is full of fear.

Back in History Dystopia was found in the Nineteen-Eighty-Four novel by George Orwell. Dystopia is a a theme to different books.

The purpose for this is to allow the society to determine their own negative thoughts.

The consequences of this is imaginary. Imaginery is a dysopias stories reflect. not depict contemporary socciety. Also fear dystopias reveal and illustrate potemtial and more or less plausible dangers.

I believe that dystopia is a great way to explain your own thought of a bad society. Basically its hell on earth. Mostlikely dystopians are not harmful to people.

Anonymous said...

1.Utopian Society
A.Why do people continue to pursue the concept of a utopian society?
2. Religion
·All for one religion
3. Politics
·No political issues
·Everyone was for the same laws and in the same state of mind

"Everybody wants to live a peaceful life without any issues." That’s the whole reason on why people are still following the concept of Utopian Society. So as stated, a Utopian Society is a world of peace, no religious issues and no political issues as well.
In addition, when living in a world full of peace there is nothing there to bother you or keep you from living that happy life that you have always dreamed of experiencing. Plus, when staying in a world of peace you do not have to worry about any drama or anything else that gives you a headache. Staying in a peacefully world can also open more doors for your future so you can become more successful. As well as living in a peaceful world your government will try and keep it that way.
Next, there are also no religious issues. These issues are created by when there are people who believe in a different god than you. Then often people start arguing then after the arguing they begin fighting. That’s way some people still pursue the Utopian Society because they don’t want to be involved in any negative actions due to religion.
On top of that there are no political issues. That means that all of the politics, laws and anything that has to do with the government is taken care of. Also since there are no political issues, almost everyone in that society basically should have the same state of mind as one another.
To conclude people still pursue the life of Utopian Society because they just want to find peace and move with their life without any drama or non-sense.

John A Cuthbert said...

How would you define an utopian society?

1.) Equality

A. Equal Right

1.) Housing and Lifestyle
- No Homelessness
- No Class System
2.) Government Issues
- Job Opportunities
- Health Care
- Amount of Money won’t care
3.) Purpose/ Mission
- Education
- Peace
- Togetherness
B. Conclusion
- Overall

It is often said that a perfect utopian society is made up of comfortable living. Utopian society means an organized group of people in an ideally perfect place. Many views toward this idea can come from many places. A perfect utopian society is when everyone is living together in an equality lifestyle.

Equal rights come from how one feels about how things are handled. In our society today we are based on what class you’re in and how far you can get in life. What this mean, the people in the upper class has the power and the right to say how they want things done and handled while other in the lower classes do not even get their voices heard. In my utopian society there is no class system, everyone should live life as a whole, and everyone feelings that it is reasonable should be handle fashionable.

Some of our greatest fears we live in today is we don’t have the right jobs so we can take care of ourselves in a good manner. This is doing to the lack of our government system. For most Americans it is hard to find a job that has good health care and provide their families with it. The government from my stand point of view is like this well the rich getting richer and the poor get poorer we’re doing our best in a sense. Of my creation toward my utopian society it will contain government issues handled for all even the poor who are trying. It’s our way of saying no one gets life behind and every issues that is put forth is taking head on.

Our biggest down fall toward our society now is that there is not even opportunities and getting ahead and if there is some we do not know about it or it’s too late. As we go on in the future education plays a big part because without an education job opportunities are limited. As well as getting and education it is also hard when one part of the state is getting more advised classes then you are. A society should be based on how well people can function together and when everyone on the same page.

To live in a utopian society that fits you is not hard it’s just something that you have to look really hard for. To many people a utopian society means that it has no government issues, no racism, and no homeless people in it. These things make a perfect utopian society to some but to me that’s not all that people look for. Equality is what I look for in my utopian society. So when you past some new places think about their utopian society and is it equal to all.

Brittany Anderson said...

Brittany Anderson said...
Out line:
A. Introduction
- How it has cahnged over time
B. Body 3 points
C. Conculsion
-tell about what it means to change

Brittany Anderson said...

Question two:

Utopia is a word used to describe a perfect society. It was said to be a world were every one was at peace and were there were no ecnomonic,religious, or political issues. The meanings of utopia have changed over the course of time there is no real definition, but if one is to be used it would be eutopia, which means a positive Utopia.
Political utopias are one in which the government establishes a society that is striving toward perfection. Sparta was a militaristic utopia founded by Lancugus. Politics consists of " social relations involving authority or power.
Religious utopias believe in the particular religious tradition that establishes the utopia. religious utopia are often described of the "Gardens of delight", which means an existence free from worry in a state of Bliss or enlightenment. They postulate existences free from sin, pain, and death. A belief that if we are able to practice meditation without continuous stream of thoughts, we are able to reach enlightenment. This enlightenment promises exit from the cycle of life and death, relating back to the concept of utopia.
Particularly in the early nineteenth century, several Utopian ideas arose, often in response to the social disruption created by the development of commercialism and capitalism.These are often grouped in a greater "utopian socialist" movement, due to their shared characteristics: an egalitarian distribution of goods, frequently with the total abolition of money, and citizens only doing work which they enjoy and which is for the common good, leaving them with ample time for the cultivation of the arts and sciences.
Of all these things, utopia has changed alot of time and through it's cultures. Many different stories have been told about utopia and they are still trying to get it clear.

Inae said...

Inae Johnson 11-1
How Would you define an utopian society?
A. Communist
-No more violence
-No more poor on the streets
-More shcools
-More after shcool programs
-More money for familys
-No more high paying medical bills
all together love for one other .
Have you ever wonder wher the word Utopia came form . Well utopia come from and English writer Sir. Thomas More . Utopia is know as a prefect socity for all ages ,race ,.

Utopia is a very define word . You see this is not a very day word that is uesed . In my way of haveing to define what utopia is the Issues that socity has today ,but in my socity world there is know more problem in my socity.
To make utopia come to pass i well frist work on our community's .I well sterd with our streets becaues i believe that gand bangs on the street hsa something to bring to this socity . Not to the street . I believe that most gang bang can open there own business and show the futuer gand banger on the steet that there more out there . The will be my frist step to my utopia socity .

If i had the well power to let utopia take over I well pass one rule of religious. I say this becaues in my utopian worl i well make it a rule that very on pray at night .I will aslo make it a rule that very one has a love church home .
one of most important thing I will put in my utopian world is education. There well not one preson that does not have there high shcool diplom.
To summaize how I feel our socity should go I will stred with my three key point an take it from there .

Rahmid said...

Utopian Society is viewed as a perfect society. A perfect world would not have murders. A world were people did not discriminate against each other. A world where people did not commit vicious crimes. People would not stand on the corner wasting there lives.

A perfect world would not have people being murder everyday. Where people would not come home from work and school turn on there televisions and see a new murder everyday. There are people who get killed everyday other things they have nothing to do with just being near the situation. People are murder everyday especially in the city of Philadelphia. Which some people who live here describe as the "murder capital" and "the city with more bodies than days"as if they are proud of people being killed at will.

A perfect world would not have people discriminate against one other. Everyday people start fights and arguments over people discriminating against others. People discriminate against others by talking about peoples appearance and the way people act. No one is perfect so therefore people should not discriminate on others just because of the way the look.

A world where people did not rob banks. Going around telling people to run there pocket and give up there belongs. No one should have to walk out the door of there houses in fear that they will have an en counter with someone over there things. People should not stand on the corner selling drugs either because it is not a good job. Drug selling is not something that should be taking as a career.

In all a perfect world would consist of people not killing one other. People not going around robbing others. A world without people discriminating against others. People would not stand on the corner selling drugs.